360 Range
Training Manual
1600 Series - March 2020
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
The Ultimate Driving Range
Sharpen your game with Michael Breed’s 360 degree circular practice range. Easily navigate to one of the six venues you wish to practice on and let us give you the feedback you need to improve your game. The following venues are available:
- Main - The main practice range with target distances from 50 yards to 300 yards.
- Dogleg Right - A challenging dog-leg to the right with water all around.
- Dogleg Left - A challenging narrow dog-leg to the left with danger to the left and right. Cut the tree line as close as you can, or steady your nerves and go for it.
- Iron - This unique venue offers a variety of challenges and practice opportunities.
- Par 3 - A Par 3 peninsula water hole that requires you to carry the hazard and stick the green.
- Wedge - Perfect your distances on the approach using wedge shots to the green.
Main Venue

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Start 360 Range
- Choose Practice at the Main Menu.
- Select 360 Range.
- You are taken to the Golfers screen where you can add a new player or select an existing player for your practice session.
Choose Practice at Main Menu Select 360 Range

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Add Player
Before beginning play, you must create a new member or select an existing member to add to Today’s Group. At the Golfers screen, click on Add Player.

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Add Player
From the Add Player screen you have the option to:
- Select an existing member on your Simulator.
- When there are a lot of members in the list:
- Enter the player name or part of the player name in the search box and click OK to jump directly to the first matching name in the list. To go to the next matching name in the list, click the magnifying glass.
- Or type the first few letters of the player name with your keyboard. You will be taken to the first matching name in the list.
- Create a new Guest or online aG Data member.
- Select an existing online aG Data member on the cloud.
- After creating a new member or logging in an existing member, click OK to return to the Golfers screen.

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Golfers Screen
Setup your 360 Range options at the Golfers screen before starting your practice session:
- Add Player - Click to add a new player or select an existing player to go to the Range.
- Use Default Member - Click to add Player to the golfers list while removing all other members.
- Clear List - Click to remove all members from the golfers list. Or double click on a member name to remove them from the list.
- Venue - Select from the following:
- Main
- Dogleg Right
- Dogleg Left
- Iron
- Par 3
- Wedge
- Wind Speed - The game provides the ability to set the wind speed or to turn the wind Off.
- Wind Direction - Select the wind direction. Note: The wind direction remains relatively constant.
- Ground - The ground conditions will affect the ball bounce and roll during a shot. Very wet ground conditions will significantly reduce ball bounce and slow down putts. The ball will bounce farther and roll faster on dry ground.
- Pins - Select the pin location for your venue.
- Sky - Select the sky conditions.
- Time - Select the time of day.
- Green Stimp - Select the green speed.
- The default setting is 8.5.
- You have the option to change the default setting in the StimpMeterDefault.txt file located in the Friendly Software\World Tours Golf\aG Simulator folder.
- Clubs - Go to the Clubs screen to select and edit clubs in your bag before going to the Range.
- Range - Begin a Range session.
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Golfers Screen
Setup 360 Range Play options at the Golfers Screen

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Clubs Screen
At the Clubs screen, add or remove clubs in your bag. Select from the following:
- Right Handed/Left Handed - Choose right handed or left handed play for the selected golfer.
- Filter - To filter your clubs:
- Click the Filter button.
- Select the date, club type, and venue to filter your clubs by.
- You can also select to only display clubs with shots.
- Note: You will not be able to take shots at the range if your date filter is set to a previous date. However, you can still view shot data for the date selected by choosing Navigate - Post Shot at the toolbar.
- Club List - List of all clubs that are available and can be added to your bag.
- Toggle arrows - Click arrows to transfer clubs from the list to your bag and vice versa.
- Clubs in Bag - List of clubs in your bag that are available for use at the 360 Range.
- New Club - Click to display the New Club menu.
- Choose the club type for your new club.
- Accept the default club name or enter a unique name for your club.
- Click to display the Notes keyboard menu and to add notes for your new club.
- For example: “HG TS-1, stiff shaft, thread grip”
- Click OK to save your club or click Cancel to discard.
- Quick Clubs - Default set of clubs will be placed in the Clubs in Bag column.
- Delete all Shots - Deletes all shots for all clubs except for the current shot.
- Edit Club - Rename, re-classify, or add notes for a particular club.
- Delete Club - Permanently delete selected club from Club List or Bag.
- Note: The current and putter clubs cannot be deleted.
- Delete all Clubs - Permanently delete all of the clubs in your bag.
- Notes - Display notes for the selected club.
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Clubs Screen
Clubs Screen - Default Set of Clubs in Bag

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Compare Shots Screen
The Compare Shots screen allows you to view shot data and graphs for shots taken at the 360 Range.
- Golfer - The name of the current player up.
- Filter - To filter your clubs:
- Click the Filter button.
- Select the date, club type, and venue to filter your clubs by.
- You can also select to only display clubs with shots.
- Note: You will not be able to take shots at the range if your date filter is set to a previous date. However, you can still view shot data for the date selected by choosing Navigate - Post Shot at the range toolbar.
- If Single Selected is selected:
- Highlight the shot in the list you wish to view shot data for.
- Only data for that shot will be included in the shot values.
- If Average Checked is selected:
- Click on the check mark next to the shot (or shots) to select or de-select it. Or choose check all or uncheck all to select shots.
- An average of all checked shots will be included in the shot values.
- Report - Click to print a report that includes both shot and graph data. When your report is complete, you can email your report - which is compatible with iOS and Android devices. The report will print data for:
- Clubs included in the filter for the filter options selected.
- Clubs with shots.
- Clubs List - Displays all your clubs. Clubs in your bag will display a golf bag next to the club name.
- Shots - All shots for the club selected.
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Compare Shots Screen
- Shot Data - Shot data will display statistics for a single shot or an average of all shots checked for the club selected.
- Distance - Total shot distance including air, bounce and roll.
- Carry - Distance the ball travels in air.
- Run - The total ground (roll) distance.
- Club Speed - Speed of center of clubface at impact.
- Ball Speed - Ball speed at launch.
- Vert Angle - Initial vertical launch angle of ball relative to ground.
- Hor Angle - Ball initial horizontal launch angle (right or left).
- Backspin - Ball rotation rate at impact.
- Sidespin - Ball horizontal spin rate at impact (right or left).
- Apex - Highest point of the air portion of shot.
- Draw/Fade - The distance the shot drifted to the right or left due to spin.
- Venue - The venue the select shot was taken in.
- Delete Shots - Options are:
- Delete all shots - All shots associated to the highlighted club will be deleted.
- Delete shot - Only the shot selected in the list will be deleted.
- Check All - Select all shots for the club highlighted.
- Uncheck All - Unselect all shots for the club highlighted.
- Top View Graph - The top view graph displays data for one or more shots.
- Path - If the Path button is checked, the complete line distance will be drawn on the top view graph, otherwise only the ending distance markers will be drawn.
- Side View Graph - The side view graph displays data for one or more shots.
- Swing Scope Meter - The swing scope meter shows both club and ball data along with a graphical representation of the club strike direction, the club face angle at impact, and the ball direction for the shot selected. If Average Checked is selected, the swing scope meter will display an average of all data for the club selected.
- Note: To enlarge the swing scope meter, click on it.
- The following options are also available at the Compare Shots screen:
- Print - Print out and save shot information that is displayed on the screen.
- Golfers - Go back to the Golfers screen to add or remove golfers.
- Clubs - Go back to the Clubs screen to add or remove clubs in your bag.
- Compare Clubs - Compare shot data between various clubs at the Compare Clubs screen.
- Range - Click Range to start your 360 Range session.
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Compare Shots Screen
Compare Shots Screen - Average Checked is selected
Click to enlarge the Swing Scope Meter

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Compare Clubs Screen
At the Compare Shots screen, click the Compare Clubs button to display comparison shot data and graphs for your clubs with shots. Note: All shots must be previously selected at the Compare Shots screen.
Shot Statistic Data
- Note: Shot statistic data is an average of all the shots selected at the Compare Shots screen.
- Clubs - Clubs list. All clubs associated to the selected player will display in the list.
- Color - Choose the graph line color to display on the top view and side view graphs for the club.
- Graph Club - Select the club to be included on the top view and side view graphs.
- Shot Count - The total number of shots selected/checked for the club on the shots table at the Compare Shots screen. Note: Only shots that are checked on the shots table are included in the average values.
- Total Distance - Total shot distance including air, bounce and roll.
- Carry Distance - Distance the ball travels in air.
- Club Speed - Speed of center of clubface at impact.
- Ball Speed - Ball speed at launch.
- Back Spin - Ball rotation rate at impact.
- Side Spin - Ball horizontal spin rate at impact (right or left).
- Vert Angle - Initial vertical launch angle of ball relative to ground.
- Hor Angle - Ball initial horizontal launch angle (right or left).
- Apex - Highest point of the air portion of shot.
- Distance Offline - Ball landing distance off-line relative to target line (right or left).
- To print out the information displayed on the Compare Clubs screen, click on the Print button at the bottom of the screen.
Clubs List
- All clubs associated to the selected player will display under the clubs heading.
- Under the Graph Club column, select all the clubs you wish to compare by clicking next to the club you wish to display. This will display a check mark next to the club indicating the club shot data will be included in the top view and side view graphs.
- You may choose one or all clubs associated to the player to compare shot data.
- To change the graph line color for a club, click on the color bar to the right of the club name in the Graph Color column.
- You must have taken at least one shot with the club checked, and that shot must have been previously selected at the Compare Shots screen, in order to view and compare shot data for that club on the top view and side view graphs.
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Compare Clubs Screen
Top View Graph
- The top view graph displays all shots for each club checked.
- Be sure the shots you wish to compare have first been selected at the Compare Shots screen.
- To easily compare each club, the game automatically assigns a unique color code to each club that is checked.
- Each shot for a club will be graphed with the same color.
- To change the graph line color for a club, click on the color bar to the right of the club name.
- Located at the top left on the top view graph is the path button.
- Clicking the path button ON will display the complete distance graph line.
- If the path button is OFF, only the ending distance marker will be displayed on the top view graph.
Side View Graph
- The side view graph displays all shots for each club checked.
- Be sure the shots you wish to compare have first been selected at the Compare Shots screen.
- To easily compare each club, the game automatically assigns a unique color code to each club that is checked.
- Each shot for a club will be graphed with the same color.
- To change the graph line color for a club, click on the color bar to the right of the club name.
Filter Clubs
To filter your clubs:
- Click the Filter button.
- Select the date, club type, and venue to filter your clubs by.
- You can also select to only display clubs with shots.
- Note: You will not be able to take shots at the range if your date filter is set to a previous date. However, you can still view shot data for the date selected by choosing Navigate - Post Shot at the range toolbar.
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Compare Clubs Screen
Swing Scope Meter
The swing scope meter shows an average of both club and ball data along with a graphical representation of the club strike direction, the club face angle at impact, and the ball direction for the club selected. The following values are displayed on the swing scope meter:
- Horiz Path - Horizontal angle the club head is moving at impact (in or out).
- Horiz Launch - Ball initial horizontal launch angle (right or left).
- Club Speed - Speed of center of clubface at impact.
- Ball Speed - Ball speed at launch.
- Smash Factor - Ratio of ball speed to club speed, impact efficiency measure.
- Vert Attack - Vertical angle the club head is moving at impact.
- Vert Launch - Initial vertical launch angle of ball relative to ground.
- Note: To enlarge the swing scope meter, click on it.
Compare Clubs Screen

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Play 360 Range
- After choosing Range at the golfers, clubs, or compare shots screen, you are taken to the 360 Range.
- The venue and pin location selected at the golfers screen will be displayed.
- To switch to a different venue or to change other options, choose the Settings button.
- You also have the option to change the venue or pin location using the following hot-keys:
- Shift Left/Right Arrow Keys - Jumps to the next/preceding venue.
- Shift Up/Down Arrow Keys - Changes the active venue’s target/pin location.
- Left/Right Arrow - Points camera to the left or the right. Keep in mind these keys will not change the active venue. Use the Shift-Left/Right arrow to change venues.
- Up/Down Arrow - Points camera up into the sky or down to the ground. Keep in mind these keys will not change the target/pin location. Use the Shift-Up/Down arrow to change the target/pin location.
Wedge Venue

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Play 360 Range
Par 3 Venue

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Play 360 Range
Settings Menu
Setup 360 Range options by choosing the Settings button at the lower left of the screen.

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Play 360 Range
Settings Menu
Select from the following options at the Settings menu:
- Venue - The following venues are available:
- Main - The main practice range with target distances from 50 yards to 300 yards.
- Dogleg Right - A challenging dog-leg to the right with water all around.
- Dogleg Left - A challenging narrow dog-leg to the left with danger to the left and right. Cut the tree line as close as you can, or steady your nerves and go for it.
- Iron - This unique venue offers a variety of challenges and practice opportunities.
- Par 3 - A Par 3 peninsula water hole that requires you to carry the hazard and stick the green.
- Wedge - Perfect your distances on the approach using wedge shots to the green.
- Pins - After selecting the venue, set the distance to the target/pin.
- Each venue will present a different set of pin locations.
- Wind Direction - Set the wind direction.
- Wind Speed - Set the wind speed - or turn off the wind.
- Ground - Set the ground type.
- Green Stimp - Set the green speed.
- Note: You can set the default green stimp value in the StimpMeterDefault.txt file in the Friendly Software\World Tours Golf\PGA TOUR Simulator folder.
- Graph - Select from the following:
- Top View - Display the top view graphic overview of the venue selected instead of the top / side view graphs. No shot ribbons will display on the screen.
- Note: The top view image only displays if top view is set to ON at the Utilities screen.
- Show Last - Show the last shot on the top / side view graphs and screen.
- Show Last 10 - Show the last 10 shots on the top / side view graphs and screen.
- Show All - Show all shots on the top / side view graphs and screen.
- Off - Turn off the top view or graphs, including all shots on the screen.
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Play 360 Range
360 Range Interface
Top of Screen
o Player Name
o Club Type and Club Name
o Shot Number, Distance to the Pin / Elevation
- Top Middle - Club Data (club icon):
- On - Display Measured Club Speed and other club data.
- Note: Measured Club Speed requires a club sticker.
- Off (X) - Do not display club data.
- C - Display Calculated Club Speed but exclude other club data.
- Note: Calculated Club Speed does not require a club sticker.
- Top Middle - 3-Trak Light Indicator (stop light image):
Green - System armed: Optimal ball placement.
Yellow - System armed: More than one ball at the tee area, or not optimal ball placement.
Red - System is not armed: The ball is not placed in the tee area.
- Timer, ? (Help), - (Minimize Game), X (Exit Game)
- Camera Icon (Enable/Disable video capture before taking your shot )
- This option only displays if aG Flix is licensed for your Simulator.
- Home icon (Return to Main Menu)
- < (Go Back to Previous Screen)
- Helicopter - Play flyby for the venue selected.
- Call Aide - Notify aG Control attendant for help.
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Play 360 Range
360 Range Interface
Bottom of Screen
- Wind - Wind direction and speed.
- Settings - Select the 360 Range options. See the Settings Menu section for more information.
- Options - Set practice options.
- Navigate - Click to navigate to 360 Range screens.
- Lessons - View existing lessons or record a new lesson.
- Grid - Change grid options.
- Clubs - Select desired club for range shots. You can also create a new club, or set the filter for your clubs.
- Click Clubs - New Club.
- Select the club type for your new club.
- Accept the default club name or enter a new name and click OK.
- The club you just created will be selected for play.
- Click the Filter button.
- Select the date, club type, and venue to filter your clubs by.
- You can also select to only display clubs with shots.
- Note: You will not be able to take shots at the range for the following filter selections:
- If your date filter is set to a previous date.
- If your club filter is set to a club type that does not exist in your bag.
- If only display clubs with shots is selected, and no clubs have shots, or no clubs for the date and/or club type filter have shots.
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Post Shot Screens
After taking your shot at the 360 Range, review your data on the various post shot screens before taking your next shot. The default view post shot screen displays after taking your initial shot. After your initial shot, the last post shot tab selected will be the screen displayed after taking your next shot.
Default View Post Shot - Click to enlarge the Swing Scope Meter

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Post Shot Screens
- Player - The player name.
- Club - The club type and name.
- Shot Number - The shot number.
- To Pin - The distance to the pin.
- The following shot data items are displayed as the default.
- Total - Total shot distance including air, bounce and roll.
- Carry - Distance the ball travels in air.
- Club Speed - Speed of center of clubface at impact.
- Ball Speed - Ball speed at launch.
- Vert Launch - Initial vertical launch angle of ball relative to ground.
- Backspin - Ball’s rotation rate at impact.
- Horiz Launch - Ball’s initial horizontal launch angle (‘r’ight or ‘l’eft).
- Sidespin - Ball’s horizontal spin rate at impact (‘r’ight or ‘l’eft).
- Apex - Highest point of the air portion of shot.
- To select different shot data items to display, click the pencil icon at the top right.
- Shot data display can be set differently for each player, and data items are saved for that player.
- You can choose from 0 - 9 items to display.
- Additional shot data items to choose from include:
- Flight Time - The time in seconds that the ball is in the air.
- Offline Distance - Ball landing distance off-line relative to target line (‘r’ight or ‘l’eft).
- Classification - Classification of a shot’s shape: straight, pull, push, fade, draw, hook or slice.
- Smash Factor - Ratio of ball speed to club speed, impact efficiency measure.
- Ball Offset - Distance the ball is hit off center of the club head.
- A ‘T’ value indicates the shot was toward the toe while an ‘H’ value indicates the shot was toward the heel.
- 3Trak uses the center of the club sticker for measurements.
- Be sure the club sticker is centered on the club head to ensure the reported offset is consistent with the center of the club.
- Vert Attack - Vertical angle the club head is moving at impact.
- Horiz Path - Horizontal angle the club head is moving at impact ('i'n or 'o'ut).
- If your player is an aG Data member and logged in, the Upload Shot icon will display at the top of the Post Shot screen. The Upload Shot option allows you to save and upload shot data to your online locker when you are connected to the internet. Valid selections for this option are:
- No - Do not upload the shot data for the current shot.
- Yes - Upload the shot data for the current shot.
- Auto - Upload the shot data for the current shot and each subsequent shot.
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Post Shot Screens
After taking your shot at the 360 Range, click the desired button at the top of the screen. The following post shot screens are available:
- Default View - Displays after taking a shot. This post shot screen is the default and displays the shot play along with the top / side view graphs, swing scope meter, and rotating ball.
- aG Flix - Displays videos of your shots when one or more cameras are connected. For more information regarding aG Flix, see the aG Flix Training Manual.
- Note: Your license key must include the aG Flix product to display this post shot screen.
- aG Balance - Displays aG Balance information when connected to the Balance plate. For more information regarding aG Balance, see the aG Balance Training Manual.
- Club Analysis - Displays the swing scope meter and shot data. Set the Club Data Mode at the top middle of the screen before taking your shot. (See image below). Note the following:
- If Club Data Mode is Off (X), only the Ball Speed field will display data.
- If Club Data Mode = C, then the Club Head Speed and Ball Speed fields will both display data.
- Table View - Displays shot data in table format and allows you to upload shots for your online member to your aG Data locker.
- Shot Analysis - Displays graph and shot data.
- Compare Clubs - Displays graph and shot data. Compare data for selected clubs.
- Clubs - Choose to add or remove clubs in your bag.
- Golfers - Select a different golfer and change other options.

Set Club Data Mode
Table of Contents
Post Shot Toolbar
Toolbar Options (bottom of screen from left to right):
- 3 TRAK - Display 3Trak menu. The 3Trak screen shows all ball and club data from current shot.
- SAVE SAMPLE - Click to save shot data for aG tech support / development to review.
- < 3 TRAK > - Cycle through actual ball images from the current shot.
- BALL IMAGES - Actual images of golf ball after impact. Relevant information derived from the ball / club data the system uses to determine ball flight.
- Save Shot - Save a shot for future comparison, review, or statistical data.
- Replay - Replay the current shot with several view options including: Forward, Reverse, TV Camera, Reverse Ball Cam, Ball Cam.
- Print - Print current screen. The software prompts for the administrator password.
- Note: The default password is “club”.
- Lessons - Select to view existing lessons or to start/stop recording a lesson. See the aG Flix manual for additional information regarding lessons.
- Lessons Manager - Click to view a list of previously recorded lessons.
- Note: The aG Flix product must be licensed for your build in order to review the lessons you have recorded.
- Start/Stop Recording a Lesson - Click to start or stop recording a lesson, or hit F9 to start/stop your lesson.
- Cancel - Select Cancel to remove your shot.
- Continue - Select Continue to save your shot and proceed to the next shot.

Post Shot Toolbar Options