aG Locker Mobile
Training Manual
1600 Series - March 2020
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Introducing aG Locker
aG Locker is the cloud-powered golf mobile app that gives you access to your game and the aG Community - anytime and anywhere.
- Use your mobile device to analyze data generated during practice sessions on any aG golf simulator.
- Give instructors access to your online locker for remote coaching.
- Find an aG golf simulator near home or on the go using the indoor golf center locator.
- Get a seamless user experience with friction free log-in to any aG golf simulator in the world.
Membership in the Cloud
An online account must first be created at either an aG Simulator or on your mobile device to allow you access to your personal locker. Once your online account is created, take shots and earn achievements and then view your data via your mobile device.
All online accounts are authenticated with a password using the global aG data server. Note: Online accounts can upload data from any aG Simulator to their personal locker. Note: Guest accounts do not have the ability to upload data.
What are the benefits of an online account?
- Access to achievements, scorecards, leaderboards, and practice data all in one place.
- The ability to view the progression of your game over time.
- The ability to upload your shot data and achievements from any aG Simulator.
How do I login to add shot data and achievements for my online account?
- Scan your Simulator Login code via your mobile device at any aG Simulator that offers this feature.
- Enter your online account name and password at the Member Login screen.
- Swipe your aG Club card at any aG Simulator that offers this feature.
Note: If you are an aG Club card member, be sure your aG facility assigns a password to your card. This will allow you to login and enter your password to view your personal locker.
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Create an Online Account
You can create a new online account at any aG facility or via your mobile device.
Create an online account at an aG facility
- At the Main Menu click Play or Practice.
- At the Player List or Golfers screen click Add Player.
- Choose Create Member.
- Enter a name for your new online account and click OK.
- Choose to create a new aG Data Member.
- Enter a password, confirm password and email then click OK to create your online account.
- Note: It is strongly recommended that you enter an accurate email address. Your email address is necessary in case of a forgotten password.
- The world icon will display next to your online account name in the Today’s Group column indicating you are logged in.
- TIP: To keep track of your data, be sure to take note of your username in order to manage your online account across all aG applications.

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Create an Online Account
Create an online account via your mobile device
- Download the aG Locker app to your mobile device via the App Store or Google Play.
- Install and start the aG Locker app.
- At the main screen, tap the Create Member button.
- Complete the Username, Email, Password and Confirm Password fields.
- Note: It is strongly recommended that you enter an accurate email address. Your email address is necessary in case of a forgotten password.
- Choose Create Member to create your new online account.
- TIP: To keep track of your data, be sure to take note of your username in order to manage your online account across all aG applications.
aG Mobile App Screen Create New Member

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Log in at an aG Simulator
To add shot or achievement data to your personal locker, first log in your existing online account at any aG Simulator. There are three ways to log in:
- Log in using the QR code generated on your aG Locker mobile app.
- Log in at the Member Login screen.
- Log in using your aG Club Card.
Member Login Screen
- Click Play at the Main Menu to go to the player list screen.
- Select Add Player. If you do not see your online account in the list, choose Create Member.
- Enter the name of your online account and click OK.
- Say Yes to the message “This member already exists. Would you like to attempt to login this user?”
- Enter the password for your account and click OK.
- You will be added to Today’s Group.
- The world icon next to your account name indicates you are logged in.

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Log in at an aG Simulator
aG Club Card
To create a new aG Club Card online account:
- At any aG Simulator screen, swipe a new aG Club card via the card reader.
- Enter an account name.
- Click Password and enter a password.
- Click Confirm and confirm the password you just entered.
- Note: Your aG Club card account will need a password to gain access to your online locker.
- Click OK.
- Click OK again to create your aG Club card account.
To login an existing aG Club Card online account:
- At any aG Simulator screen, swipe your aG Club card via the card reader.
- Enter the password associated to your account.
- Choose Yes or No at the Remember Password message.
- Your aG Club card account will be logged in.

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Log in at an aG Simulator
aG Locker Mobile App
To log in your member via the aG Locker mobile app:
- Start the aG Locker mobile app on your mobile device.
- Log in an existing online account or create a new account then click Profile.
- Click the Simulator Login button. The QR code screen will display.
- Scan the QR code on your mobile device using the QR code reader.
- Your online account will be logged into the simulator.
- All data from your aboutGOLF session will be uploaded to your online locker.
Tap Simulator Login Scan the QR Code to login your account

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Upload Shot Data to your aG Locker
Shots that you take at the practice range, the 360 range, the aG Max driving range, and the club fitting range will be uploaded to your locker when your online account is logged in. The aG Locker mobile app will combine all your shots together and list them either by the date taken or the club type used.
Note: The Upload option must be set to Yes or Auto at the range or 360 range for your shots to be uploaded. All shots taken at the club fitting range are automatically uploaded if your online account is logged in.
Upload Shots at the Range or 360 Range
- If the 360 Range is installed:
- At the Main Menu click Practice - Range to start a Range session.
- Or click Practice - 360 Range to start a 360 Range session.
- Otherwise click Practice at the Main Menu to start a Range session.
- At the Golfers screen, choose Add Player.
- Select your online account in the Members list by clicking the + sign next to your name.
- Enter the password, if requested, to login your account.
- The world icon indicates you have been logged in.
- Click OK. At the Golfers screen, click Range.
- Select a club from your bag and take a shot.
- At the post shot screen, the Upload Shot option will be set to Auto by default.
- Click Continue. Shot data will be uploaded to your locker.

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Upload Shot Data to your aG Locker
Upload Shots at the Range or 360 Range Table View Post Shot Screen
- When the Upload Shot option is set to No, you are still able to upload your previous shot or shots from the Table View post shot screen.
- At the Post Shot screen, select the Table View tab.
- Click the up arrow next to the shot or shots you wish to upload.
- Your shot data will be uploaded to your locker.

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Upload Shot Data to your aG Locker
Upload Shots at the Club Fitting Range
Shots that you take during a Club Fitting session will be uploaded automatically to your locker when your online account is logged in.
How to Upload Shots
- At the Main Menu click Fitting.
- Choose Create New Member to create a new online account or choose Use Existing Member to login an existing online account.
- Click OK at the player information screen.
- At the Club Fitting screen, create one or more clubs or select an existing club from your bag.
- Click Range.
- Take your shot.
- Shot data will be uploaded to your locker.
All shots listed at the Shot Compare screen will be uploaded to your locker

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Upload Shot Data to your aG Locker
Upload Shots at the aG Max Driving Range
Shots that you take at the aG Max Driving Range will be uploaded automatically to your locker when your online account is logged in.
How to Upload Shots
- At the Main Menu click aG Max.
- Choose Single Bay, Host a Group or Join a Group.
- Choose the + sign next to Players to display the Member Login screen.
- Select the + sign next to your online account to log in.
- The world icon indicates you have been logged in.
- Click OK.
- Select Driving Range mode if you are the Host or playing in a Single Bay.
- Click Start to begin your session.
- If you are Joining a group, wait for the Host to invite you to join the Driving Range session.
aG Max - Driving Range session

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Upload Achievements, Records and Milestones to your aG Locker
The aG simulator software will upload data for your online account when you earn a specific achievement, record or milestone.
Achievements are awarded after reaching a top notable event. Records are based on your personal best information such as your longest drive, longest putt or longest hole out. Milestones are awarded after reaching a specific game, range or event requirement. Each Milestone requirement or tier will present a different award such as a ribbon or trophy.
Below is a list of achievements, records and milestones you can earn.
Achievements are awarded after reaching a top notable event. You can view more information about the achievement by tapping on it.

- Long Drive Master - Awarded when hitting a long drive shot greater than 300 yards.
- Hole in One Master - Awarded when achieving 3 or more hole in one shots.
- Online Event Superstar - Awarded when placing in the top 10 in 10 or more online events.
- Online KP Superstar - Awarded when placing in the top 10 in 10 or more closest to pin events.
- Online Long Drive Superstar - Awarded when placing in the top 10 in 10 or more long drive events.
- Round Par Master - Awarded when achieving more than 10 rounds below par for front 9, back 9 or 18-hole rounds.
- Round Superstar - Awarded when winning more than 10 offline rounds.
- Eagle Master - Awarded when achieving 8 or more eagle holes.
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Upload Achievements, Records and Milestones to your aG Locker
Records display your personal best stats including:
Longest Drive - Your best longest drive value for an offline round.
- Longest Putt - Your best longest putt value for both offline rounds and online events.
- Online Event Round Best Score - Your best online round score for 18-hole round events.
- Online Long Drive Best Result - Your best online long drive score.
- Online KP Best Result - Your best online closest to pin score.
- Longest Hole Out - Your best longest hole out value (non putt).
- Offline Round Best Score - Your best offline event round score for 18-hole rounds.
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Upload Achievements, Records and Milestones to your aG Locker
Milestones are awarded based on completing a specific game, range, or event requirement. Each requirement or tier will present a different award. You can view more information about the milestone by tapping on it. Awards presented are:
- Tier 1 - Ribbon
- Tier 2 - Bronze Trophy
- Tier 3 - Silver Trophy
Tier 4 - Gold Trophy
You can earn milestone awards for the following:
- Offline Rounds - After playing 1, 5, 25, or 100 offline rounds.
- Range Shots - After taking 1, 100, 1000, or 10K range shots.
- Online Event Rounds - After playing 1, 5, 10, or 25 online rounds.
- Online KP Events - After playing 1, 5, 10 or 25 closest to pin events.
- Online Long Drive Events - After playing 1, 5, 10 or 25 long drive events.
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Upload Achievements, Records and Milestones to your aG Locker
View Achievements, Records and Milestones in the aG Simulator
You can view your achievements, records and milestones for your online account at the Member Login screen or during round or range play. During a round or range session, choose Options - Player - Achievements on the toolbar. All awards earned for your online player will display.

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Upload Achievements, Records and Milestones to your aG Locker
Achievements, Records and Milestones Screen
At the Achievements, Records, and Milestones screen, view all the awards you have earned in the aG Simulator software game.
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View Data on your aG Locker
Log in
To view data on your aG Locker, log in your online account using your mobile device.
- Start the aG Locker app on your mobile device.
- Tap the Log in button.
- At the Log in screen, enter your online account name and password and tap Log in.
aG Mobile App Screen Log in Your Member

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View Data on your aG Locker
Set Your Favorite Center
After logging in, you will be prompted to set your favorite center. Choose Find an Indoor Golf Center nearby! to find a center near you or choose Default to aG HG Simulator to set your center to the aG Headquarters. Note: If you set your center to the aG Headquarters, you can update your center at any time by tapping Profile. Choose the Edit button above the Favorite Center map to select a different center.
After selecting Find an Indoor Golf Center nearby!, tap one of pins on the map to set your center and choose Set. If you do not see a center displayed on the map near you, scroll the screen until you find the location you want to use. Or enter a zip code to see a list of the closest centers to your location.
Tap the Pin or Enter Your Zip Code Choose Set to Select Your Center

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View Data on your aG Locker
The news screen displays news items along with personal best records and achievements for aG members you are following. When a friend or family member you are following earns a new record, you will be notified of the award they have earned. And all their earned records and achievements will display in your news feed.
To follow a friend or family member:
- Go to the Profile screen and tap Following.
- Tap the magnifier icon.
- Enter the aG member name you wish to follow in the Search box.
- Tap Search on the keypad.
- Tap the Follow button next the aG member name to follow them.
Tap Follow to follow a member Your News Feed

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View Data on your aG Locker
The data screen displays all your shots taken at the range, 360 range, club fitting range and aG Max range. Data is listed by clubs or date. To view average data, tap the club type or date. All shots associated to that club type or date display. To delete a shot, select it then swipe left and tap the red trash can.
To view individual shot data, tap the shot number on the average data screen. Data for that shot is displayed. To delete the selected shot, tap the trash can at the upper right.
Shot Data Listed by Club Type All shots for a club

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View Data on your aG Locker
The compete screen displays all the events you have competed in along with additional events available for you to play at your Favorite Center.
The Events screen lists all the open events you have participated in. Tap the event in the list to see your current position and score.

Tap Event to See Your Results Your Current Position and Score Display
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View Data on your aG Locker
The Tours screen lists all the tours available to you at your Favorite Center. Tap the tour to see all the events available for that tour. Then tap an event to view the current leaderboard. If you have participated in that event, your current position and score will be displayed.
The History screen lists all the closed events you have participated in. Tap the event in the list to see your final position and score.
Tap Completed Event Your Final Results Display

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View Data on your aG Locker
View the following information on the profile screen:
- Your profile photo and member name.
- The address of your favorite center.
- The Simulator Login button. Tap it to display the QR code screen. To log in your member, scan the QR code at any participating aG simulator facility.
- The number of Followers. Tap to see a list of all members who are following you.
- The number members you are Following. Tap to see a list of all the members you are following and to add more members to your list.
- The Records, Achievements, and Milestones you have earned. Tap View All to see more.
- The Favorite Center location you have selected. Tap Edit to change your favorite center or tap Directions to map out the location of the center from your home.
Profile Screen Milestones - View All Screen

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View Data on your aG Locker
Access the settings screen by tapping the gear icon at the top right of the profile screen. The settings screen allows you to complete the following tasks:
- Update your personal information.
- Update your password.
- Change your favorite center.
- Set your account to private. Note: If your account is private, your friends and family members will not be able to find you to follow your achievements.
- Log out your member.
Settings Update Your Default Center

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What do I do if I forget my password?
- On your mobile device, open the aG Locker mobile app.
- Tap Login.
- Enter your Username.
- Tap Forgot Password?
- At the Reset Password screen, enter your Username and tap Send.
- A verification code will be sent to the email address associated to your username.
- Once you receive the aboutGolf Password Reset Request email:
- Enter the Verification Code you received.
- Enter your New Password and Confirm Password.
- Tap Save.
- Your password will be updated.
- You can also update your password at the Profile - Settings - Password screen.