aG Administrator
Training Manual
1600 Series - March 2020
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Utilities Screen
Setup game options and perform administrative functions at the Utilities screen. The Utilities screen can be displayed from the following:
- Main Menu - Click Utilities on the Main Menu.
- During a Round or Range Session - Click Options on the Toolbar. From the Options menu choose Utilities. You are allowed to modify most game settings before returning to your round or range session.
Note: The Utilities screen should only be used by properly trained personnel. Modifying settings in the Utilities screen may alter the license manager or cause errors in the game.
Table of Contents
Utilities Screen
Setup Options
Row 1:
- Auto Flybys - The Auto Flybys setting specifies whether you would like the game to automatically play an aerial flyby of the course hole before each shot. Select on/off from the list box to turn automatic flybys on or off. If the Auto Flybys option is off, the player can still view a flyby video during round play by clicking the Helicopter button on the top right of the game screen.
- New Online Members - When creating new members, the following options can be set regarding online members:
- Automatic - When creating a new member, that member will automatically be created as an online member.
- Prompt - When creating a new member, ask or prompt if the member should be an online member.
- Login Only - When creating a new member, check if the member is already an online member.
- Disabled - When creating a new member, that member will automatically be created as an offline member.
- Swing Profile - When the Swing Profile option is set to on & visible, this option will be displayed at the Member Login screen. You will then have the option to modify the swing profile for your player. Available settings for this option are:
- On & Visible - The swing profile button is displayed at the Member Login screen and you are allowed to modify the profile for your player.
- On & Not Visible - The swing profile button is NOT displayed at the Member Login screen. You are not allowed to modify the profile for your player. The game will apply the default swing profile setting for your player during round play.
- Off - The swing profile button is NOT displayed at the Member Login screen. You are not allowed to modify the profile for your player and no swing profile adjustment is applied during round play.
- If the Timer Required option is set to on, you will be required to set the timer before continuing game play.
- If the Timer Required option is set to off, you will NOT be required to set the timer before continuing.
Table of Contents
Utilities Screen
Setup Options
Row 2:
- Nature Sounds - The game provides the ability to turn off the nature sounds heard during round play. Select on/off from the list box to turn nature sounds on or off.
- Member Password - This option can be set to Prompt or Remember.
- Prompt - If the Member Password option is set to prompt, you will be prompted to enter the password for your online player each time you log them in.
- Remember - If the Member Password option is set to remember, you will NOT be prompted to enter the password for your online player when you log them in.
- Mouse On/Off - You have the option to turn the mouse cursor on or off for game play. The following options are available:
- Off - The mouse cursor will NOT be displayed. Right click on your mouse to display the cursor again.
- Passwords: Off - The mouse cursor will NOT be displayed when entering passwords.
- On - The mouse cursor will ALWAYS be displayed.
- Ball On Screen - You may choose to display or not to display the ball on the screen for the default shot location. Select from the following:
- Off - The ball will not display on the screen when the player is at the default shot location.
- On - The ball will display on the screen when the player is at the default shot location.
- Putting Only - The ball will only display for the default shot location when the ball is on the green.
Row 3:
- Top View - You have the option to turn the top view on or off for round play. If the Top View option is on, an overhead view of the course hole will be displayed at the bottom left of the game screen.
- Hide Interface - You have the option to set how long the toolbar/game interface buttons will display on the game screen before they disappear. You can set the interface timer for the following:
- Never
- 10 seconds
- 20 seconds
- 30 seconds
- 60 seconds
- Mouse Size/Color - You have the option to select the color and size of the mouse cursor. The following cursor options are available:
- Small - Black
- Small - White
- Large - Black
- Large - White
Table of Contents
Utilities Screen
Setup Options
Row 3:
- Ball Speed - You have the option to set your ball speed to the following:
- Normal
- 1.3x
- 1.5x
- 2x
- 3x
- 4x
- Instant *Note: If this setting is selected, your ball will be placed immediately at its landing location.
Row 4:
- Units - You have the option to set units to the following:
- yds, mph (default setting)
- yds, m/s
- m, m/s
- m, mph
- m, kph
- Range/Game Ball - To set your range ball to perform like a game ball, turn this option On. Choose from the following options:
- Select Round Club - Select to display/not display the clubs in your bag during a game round. Choose from the following options:
- Off - When off, the Clubs option will not display on the in game Toolbar.
- On - When on, the Clubs option displays on the in game Toolbar. Selecting this option allows users to choose a club from the list before taking their shot.
- Required - When the Select Round Club option is required, the Clubs list is displayed at the beginning of each shot. Note: The user is forced to first select a club before selecting any other option on the screen.
- Help - Select to turn the help option off or on. If the help option is off, when clicking the help icon (? at the upper right of all game screens), the user will be instructed to contact the Simulator Administrator for help with the system.
Table of Contents
Utilities Screen
Setup Options
Row 5:
- Graphics Setup - You may choose the following graphic settings from the Graphics menu:
- Graphic Setting - The graphic setting you choose will affect how course graphics display in the game. Click on the current setting to change between the following graphic settings:
- High - Default setting
- Super
- Low
- Medium
- Custom - If you make changes to any of the individual graphic settings below, your graphic setting will be set to a custom setting.
- Graphics Mode - Set the in game screen resolution. Requires the game be restarted to see the new resolution in the game.
- Object Detail - Set how objects display in the game. Options range from All Low Detail to All High Detail.
- Shadow Draw Distance - Set the distance to display shadows in the game or to turn shadows off.
- Reflections - Check to turn reflections on or off.
- Grass Detail - Check to turn grass detail on or off.
- Show ID - Click the Show ID option to display the following information:
- Unique ID: Your computer ID used for game licensing issues.
- Install ID: The online ID assigned to your simulator after going to Compete - Online.

Table of Contents
Utilities Screen
Setup Options
Row 6:
- File Type - You have the option to delete the following file types:
- Course
- Saved Shots
- Saved Games
- Saved Chal CTP (saved closest to pin custom challenge games)
- Saved Chal LD (saved long drive custom challenge games)
- Saved Cstm Stroke (saved custom stroke games)
- Note: You will not be allowed to delete any file types during game play.
- How to Delete a Course:
- Select the Course option from the list box under the File Type heading.
- Highlight the course you wish to delete from the list.
- Click on the Delete button to delete the highlighted course.
- Note: The game will not allow the deletion of the last course in the list.
- How to Delete a Saved Shot:
- Select the Saved Shots option from the list box under the File Type heading.
- Highlight the saved shot you wish to delete from the list.
- Click on the Delete button to delete the saved shot from the list.
- How to Delete a Saved game, Saved Challenge Game, or Saved Custom Stroke Game:
- Select the Saved Games, Saved Chal CTP, Saved Chal LD, or Saved Cstm Stroke option under the File Type heading.
- Highlight the saved game you wish to delete from the list.
- Click on the Delete to delete the saved game from the list.
- Balance Setup - Click to set up the aG Balance options for your simulator. Note: This option is only available if you have the aG Balance plate.
- Passwords - Click Passwords to change or enable/disable the Administrator, Printing, or Balance-Flix passwords.
- Select the password type you wish to update (either Administrator, Printing or Balance-Flix).
- Click on edit password.
- Enter the current password when prompted.
- If you wish to enable/disable the password, choose yes.
- After you enable or disable the password, you will be asked if you wish to change the password.
- If you choose yes to change the password, enter your new password and click OK.
Table of Contents
Utilities Screen
Setup Options
Row 7:
- Update License - Click the Update License option to update your game license keys.
- About - Click the About option to view information about the current game version.
Row 8:
- User License - Click to display the user license agreement.
- Get Lan Members / Simulator Name
- Get Lan Members - Select this option to download all members from your LAN. Note: If Control Center is enabled, this option is not available.
- Simulator Name - If aG Control is enabled, click the Simulator Name option to display the simulator name and MAC Address. Note: If your simulator has not yet been registered to aG Control, you will be prompted to register your simulator when clicking on the Simulator Name option.
Row 9:
Ad Editor - If Advertising is included in your license key, click the Ad Editor button to add images to your game screens.
Delete All Members - Clicking the delete all members option will delete all members except Player from your members list.
Row 10:
Disable CTRL - Click the Disable CTRL option to turn the ctrl key off or on in the game.
Table of Contents
Game Performance
The following is a list of things that you can do to increase performance and speed up game play:
- Close all other applications before playing the game.
- Increase the amount of memory on your computer.
- Turn off Nature Sounds. To turn off Nature Sounds:
- Click Utilities at the Main Menu.
- At the Utilities screen, select Off for Nature Sounds.
- Turn off Shadows. To turn off Shadows:
- Click Utilities at the Main Menu.
- Choose the Graphics button.
- Move the slider bar for the Shadow Draw Distance option to Shadows Off.
- Change the Graphics detail setting to Low or Medium. To change the Graphics detail setting:
- Click Utilities at the Main Menu.
- At the Utilities screen, choose Graphics.
- Click on the detail setting at the upper right to change to Low or Medium detail.
- Turn off the Auto Flybys feature. To turn off Auto Flybys:
- Click Utilities at the Main Menu.
- At the Utilities screen, select Off for Auto Flybys.
- Increase the Ball Speed. To increase the Ball Speed:
- Click Utilities at the Main Menu.
- At the Utilities screen, set the Ball Speed to a value other than Normal.
Table of Contents
Game Quick Keys
The following Keyboard shortcuts are available during play:
| Moves the current camera location to the left 1 yard or 5 yards when in Hypermode.
| Resets the aim or aim pole location to the original default location.
| Moves the current camera location down 0.1 yards or 0.5 yards when in Hypermode.
| Plays the flyby for the current ball location.
| |
| Toggles Hypermode on for the 'W', 'A', 'S', 'Z', 'U' and 'D' keys.
| Takes a gimme if ball is on the green.
| Location of the camera is displayed on the screen.
| Prompts to take a Mulligan if Mulligan is set to Yes at the Scoring screen.
| Resets the camera to the default location.
| Moves the current camera location to the right 1 yard or 5 yards when in Hypermode.
| Moves the current camera location up 0.1 yards or 0.5 yards when in Hypermode at the main game screen.
| Moves the current camera location forward 1 yard or 5 yards when in Hypermode.
| Moves the current camera location backward 1 yard or 5 yards when in Hypermode.
| |
| |
| |
| Rotates the pitch of the camera up by 7.5 degrees.
| Rotates the pitch of the camera down by 7.5 degrees.
| Rotates the current camera direction to the left 22.5 degrees.
| Rotates the current camera direction to the right 22.5 degrees.
| Rotates the aim and camera to the left.
| Rotates the aim and camera to the right.
Questions and Answers
Read through these Q & A topics to find answers to common questions about the game. If your problem is not covered below, review the list of help topics at the Help Contents page and select the most appropriate topic for further information.
For technical support, send your question to support@aboutgolf.com or call 1.800.445.GOLF
Game Play
Question: Why does my Toolbar disappear during game play?
Answer: The game is set to automatically remove the toolbar after approximately 10 seconds if there has been no game interaction. To reactive the toolbar, simply mouse click anywhere on the game screen and it will reappear. You can update the number of seconds to remove the toolbar at the Utilities Screen. Choose the Hide Interface option and select one of the following:
- Never
- 10 seconds
- 20 seconds
- 30 seconds
- 60 seconds
Question: How can I speed up game play?
Answer: See the Game Performance section
Question: Is there a way I can review the layout of a hole while sitting at the tees?
Answer: In the game, click on the helicopter at the upper right of the screen or click the E key to see an aerial view video of the hole. You also have the option to use the camera Quick Keys to move the camera forward, backward, to the right or to the left.
Question: I have a large number of saved rounds that I no longer need. How can I delete these saved rounds?
Answer: From the Utilities Screen under the File Type heading select saved games from the list. Next select the round you wish to delete from the list on the right. Finally click on the delete button below the File Type heading to delete the round selected.
Questions and Answers
Game Play
Question: Why does the ball appear to be in the sand when it is on the fairway, in the rough when it is in the sand, or on the fairway when it is in the sand or rough?
Answer: Use the lie meter on the lower left of the toolbar to determine the accurate location of a ball that has landed in an area between fairway, rough, water hazards, and bunkers.
Question: Why do the putts/greens in regulation statistics seem inaccurate?
Answer: The game divides the total putts on holes that were GIR divided by the number of greens reached in regulation.
Question: What happens in a match or skins game if no player wins the final hole? Will there be a playoff?
Answer: There is no playoff to decide who wins the final hole. Those skins will not be awarded.
Practice Range
Question: What is the quickest way to create several clubs for a golfer before starting a Range session?
Answer: From the Clubs screen choose the quick clubs button. A default set of clubs will automatically be created and added to the clubs in bag list.
Questions and Answers
Question: How much memory do I need to run the game?
Answer: You will need a minimum 128 MB on your Windows Operating System.
Question: Why don't I hear any Nature Sounds when playing game?
Answer: Turn on Nature Sounds. To turn Nature Sounds On:
- From the Main Menu select the Utilities button.
- If you are currently playing a game, click the Options button on the Toolbar then select Utilities.
- If Nature Sounds are off, click to open the list box to turn Nature Sounds on.
Question: Why don’t I hear any commentary during game play?
Answer: Commentary is available during game play by clicking on the Advice button on the toolbar. If advice is available, additional information about your shot will play.
Table of Contents
Reinstall the Game
To reinstall the game:
- To reinstall, you will first need to obtain the latest version of your game software. Please contact aboutGOLF at support@aboutgolf.com or call 1.800.445.GOLF to obtain your software.
- Next uninstall your current software.
- To uninstall:
- First locate your software program on your Windows OS under the appropriate installed apps area.
- Choose the uninstall option for the golf game software to begin the uninstall process.
- Check the game software you wish to uninstall.
- Select Next.
- You will be given the option to keep the following game items. Check the box next to the item(s) you wish to save during the uninstall process.
- Courses
- Players/Members
- Saved Games
- Saved Shots
To complete the uninstall process, follow the instructions on the remaining message boxes.

- Double click on the game download exe you obtained previously.
- Follow the instructions on the message boxes.
- If you saved any game items when uninstalling, they will be available once the reinstall has completed.
Table of Contents
Help provides detailed information and instruction about how to use the game.
In Game Help
To view help in the game:
- Click the help button ( ? ) at the upper right of any game screen or click F1.
- Help for that game screen will display in your browser window.
- Note: No internet connection is required.
- For audio help, click the Advice button on the in game toolbar.
- To view a list of all game help, click the Help Contents link at the top right of any help window.
Instructional Videos
How to view instructional videos online:
- Connect to the internet.
- Start the game and click the help button ( ? ) at the upper right of the Main Menu screen.
- Click on the Instructional Videos link near the top of the page (Click Here).
- Find the video you wish to review and click on that link.
- You can view the video to completion, or pause the video to come back and finish viewing where you left off.
Email Technical Support
If you have a problem, or question you need answered, email us at: support@aboutgolf.com.