aG Ball Striking Games
Training Manual
1600 Series - March 2020
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Ball Striking Games Overview
Have fun while improving your golf game with aboutGOLF’s suite of Ball Striking games. Refine shots and hone green placement with pinpoint accuracy on a variety of venues. Up to eight players can compete at the same time providing endless entertainment and friendly competition amongst friends. Choose from the following Ball Striking games:
- Razors Edge - Improve your driving accuracy while scoring the most points to win.
- Bend It - Improve your shot shaping using different challenges. The player with the most points wins.
- F-O-R-E - Hit the green to avoid spelling F-O-R-E and be the last player standing.
- Conquest - Capture the flag by hitting the green and landing closest to the pin.
Conquest - The green is secured
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Razors Edge
Hit as straight and as far as feasible, but with an added challenge - your ball must land in-bounds to be valid. Each player gets five shots to score as many points as possible based on distance and fairway placement.
After each round, the edges of the fairway crumble into the sea, making the next round that much more complex. The margin of error is razor thin.
Keep your shot in-bounds to earn points
Table of Contents
Razors Edge
Start Play
- At the Main Menu, add from one to eight players to the group.
- Choose Options to set the graphics quality display. Options are:
- Fantastic
- Beautiful
- Good
- Basic
- Fast
- Fastest
Main Menu
Table of Contents
Razors Edge
- Razor’s Edge has a total of five rounds - with one shot per player per round.
- All valid shots are awarded 1 point per yard traveled. Note: All shots that land in-bounds are considered valid.
- A Streak Multiplier value is applied to the next round for all valid shots.
- For example: If a player hits a valid shot in round 1, for round 2 they will be awarded a 2X Streak Multiplier value that will be applied to their total score.
- Accuracy bonuses are awarded as follows:
- First Cut - Points = 50
- Second Cut - Points = 40
- Third Cut - Points = 30
- Fourth Cut - Points = 20
- At the end of each round, the edges of the fairway are removed as they crumble into the sea. For the final round, only the first cut area of the fairway remains.
- Tips:
- Hitting further awards more points, but accuracy awards higher bonuses.
- Streak multipliers stack and are valid for the remainder of the game.
- Landing in-bounds for each shot is critical for high scores.
Total points are calculated after a shot
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Bend It
Players must hit a green that is protected by a series of forcefield obstacles.
Each player gets from 1 - 10 shots with challenges that include straight, high, low, draw or fade.
Points are awarded based on avoiding the obstacles and hitting the green. The player with the most points wins.
Clear all the obstacles for 250 points
Table of Contents
Bend It
Start Play
- At the Main Menu, add from one to eight players to the group.
- Choose Options to set the graphics quality display. Options are:
- Fantastic
- Beautiful
- Good
- Basic
- Fast
- Fastest
- Click Play to setup your game options.
- At the setup screen, choose from the following options:
- Hole to Play - Select from Holes 1 - 8.
- Shot Shape - Select from the following:
- Number of shots - Choose from 1 - 10 shots.
Bend It Setup Screen
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Bend It
- Each player takes from 1 - 10 shots for the shot shape selected.
- Points are awarded for avoiding obstacles and coming to rest on the green.
- 250 points are awarded when you avoid all the obstacles.
- If your ball lands on the green, an additional 500 points is added to your score.
- At the end of the game, the player with the highest score wins.
- Tips:
- Use Bend It to practice and hone your skills to improve your score and confidence.
- Visit our aG Ambassador for further shot shaping tips.
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Like the game of H-O-R-S-E in basketball, this multiplayer game’s goal is to hit the green. The shot caller selects a green and takes their shot. If their ball lands on the green, then all the other players’ must hit the same green or be penalized. If a player is penalized 4 times and spells out F-O-R-E they are eliminated.
Choose from a wide range of target distances, locations and elevations. Or choose the auto green selection option and the game will automatically select a green for you.
The last person standing who does not spell out F-O-R-E wins the match.
Table of Contents
Start Play
- At the Main Menu, add from one to eight players to the group.
- Choose Options to turn on the auto green selection and to set the graphics quality display.
- Click to turn on auto green. Auto green is off by default.
- If on, the game will automatically select a green to play during the game.
- If off, you must manually select a green from the target green menu.
- If auto green is on, select from the following:
- < 140 yard: Only greens < 140 yards will be selected for play.
- > 140 yard: Only greens > 140 yards will be selected for play.
- All: All greens will be selected for play.
- Fantastic
- Beautiful
- Good
- Basic
- Fast
- Fastest
Options Menu
Table of Contents
The game will prompt the current player to manually select from 42 green locations, or automatically select a target green to play.
- At the start of the game, the current player up will select the Launch Target Drone button to choose a green location.
- The target green menu is displayed showing all the greens available including the yardage distances and elevations.
- Click to select a target green and choose Tee Off to start.
- In the game, at the upper left of the screen, you will see the target drone locating the green.
- Once the green is located, the green number, distance and elevation are displayed.
- The shot caller is up and takes their shot to try to hit the green.
- If the green is hit:
- All of the following players must hit the green or be penalized one letter.
- Once all the players have attempted the shot, a new shot caller is designated.
- No penalty is awarded to the shot caller.
- A new shot caller is designated.
Select from 42 target greens
Table of Contents
- Before starting, select Options at the Main Menu and choose Auto Green Selection.
- Choose to play < 140 yard, > 140 yard, or all greens.
- In the game at the upper left of the screen, you will see the target drone locating the green.
- Once the green is located, the green number, distance and elevation are displayed.
- The current player up takes their shot and attempts to hit the green.
- If the green is hit:
- All of the following players must hit the green or be penalized one letter.
- Once all the players have attempted their shot, a new green is selected automatically.
- No penalty is awarded to the current player.
- The next player is up and the game automatically selects a new green for play.
- The next player takes their shot and attempts to hit the green.
- If a player is penalized 4 times spelling FORE, they are eliminated.
- The last player standing is the winner.
- Tip - Use the Auto Green Selection option to speed up game play.
Target Drone is locating green
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A new take on “capture the flag”, each player must capture territory by landing on as many greens as possible. A flag is raised above each captured green.
The player with the most captured greens at the end of the game wins. If the game results in a tie, there is a tie breaker that is based on the player who is closest to the pin.
The green is secured
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Start Play
- At the Main Menu, add from one to eight players to the group.
- Choose Options to select the shots per player and to set the graphics quality display.
- Move the slider to select from 5 to 50 shots.
- The default number of shots per match is 10.
- Fantastic
- Beautiful
- Good
- Basic
- Fast
- Fastest
Options Menu
Table of Contents
- The goal of conquest is to capture more greens than your opponents.
- All players are automatically assigned a flag and a limited number of shots.
- Before taking your shot, decide on the green you want to play.
- Swipe along the top of the screen to move around the game and view the green locations.
- Or open the Range Finder and swipe along the top to view the greens.
- To determine the distance to the pin for the green you have selected:
- Open the Range Finder and swipe along the top to see the distance to the pin.
- After you have selected the green to play, take your shot.
- If you land anywhere on the green, you secure and capture it and your flag is displayed.
- You opponents can steal your secured green if they land closer to the pin.
- The player with the most captured green after all shots have been taken wins the match.
- In the case of a tie, a closest to pin tie breaker will determine the winner.
- Tips:
- Shot selection is key. Aim for locations that will be difficult for your opponents.
- Use the range finder to zoom in and view the green and surrounding area.
- Team up on dominating players, but remember - only one player will be victorious.
Range Finder View
Table of Contents
Screen Configuration for Best Fit
aG Ball Striking Games Custom Aspect Ratio Support
A custom aspect ratio can be configured for the aG Ball Striking games if desired. This is especially useful for single projector aG Curve installations in which the aspect ratio of the physical screen differs significantly with the aspect ratio of the game resolution. In this case the 3D rendered view of the game may look stretched horizontally.
Configuring a Custom Aspect Ratio
- Within each Ball Striking games root folder is a file named aspect.dat.
- The aspect.dat file contains 2 values. The default values are:
- 1 (width adjustment)
- 1 (height adjustment)
- These values can be changed to correct the 3D view of the game if needed.
- At this time the width adjustment is the only adjustment needed as the physical height of the simulator screen does not vary greatly between systems and is a close match to the game resolution.
- The values must be greater than 0.1.
- Start by measuring the width and height of the screen. Then divide the width by the height. Example:
- Screen Width 262”
- Screen Height 108”
- Screen Aspect Ratio: 262/108 = 2.42
- Obtain the game resolution (typically the same as the desktop resolution). Then divide the resolution width by the resolution height. Example:
- Game Resolution Width 1920
- Game Resolution Height 1080
- Game Aspect Ratio: 1920/1080 = 1.77
- Calculate the width adjustment by subtracting the Game Aspect Ratio from the Screen Aspect Ratio.
- Edit the aspect.dat file:
- Change the first number (width adjustment) to 0.65.
- Save the aspect.dat file and run the game to see the result.
- Note the adjustment is only applied to the 3D game view once you start the game (not the Main Menu).