aG Card Manager
Training Manual
1500 Series - March 2019
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aboutGOLF Card Manager
The aboutGOLF Card Manager allows you to easily create a new online member for your customer. Simply swipe a blank tour card using the aboutGOLF card reader and enter your customer’s name. No password is required when creating a new card member. Your customer will be able to quickly login their member for game play by swiping their card at any aboutGOLF Simulator.
You can create new card members at your Simulator during regular game play, or by using the aboutGOLF Kiosk.
Create New Card Members
When creating new card members, you can create a new member and associate that member to a tour card, or you can create a tour card for an existing online aG Data member.
To Create A New Card Member
- Swipe a new card and enter the customer’s name.
- You can create new card members in Kiosk mode or in your aboutGOLF Simulator.
- For Kiosk mode, swipe a card at the main menu or the add and replace screen.
- For Simulator mode, swipe a card at the main menu, any member login screen, or during most game play. Note: During game play, any area that allows your customer to login will also allow you to create a new member. See Card Member Login for more information.
Create New Card Members
To Create A New Card Member
- If the member name already exists, you will be prompted to enter a different, unique name before your card member will be created.
- You have the option to enter a password for your customer’s card, but it is not required.
- If your customer’s card is created without a password:
- Your customer must swipe their card to login.
- Your customer will not be able to login at the aG Data website to review their data until a password is associated to their card.
- Your customer will not be able to replace their card if it is lost.
- If your customer’s card is created with a password:
- Your customer can swipe their card and enter their password to login.
- Once your customer has entered their password and logged in, they can set the Remember Password option to Yes to avoid entering a password each time they swipe their card for that Simulator.
- Your customer can also login at the Member Login screen without their card. To login at the Member Login screen:
- If your customer’s member name displays in the Members list:
- Choose the + sign next to your customer’s name and enter a password if prompted.
- Your customer will be logged in and display in Today’s Group.
- If your customer’s member name does not display in the Members list:
- Choose create member.
- Enter your customer’s card member name.
- You will be asked if you would like to login the existing member - say Yes.
- Enter your customer’s card member password.
- Your customer will be logged in and display in Today’s Group.
- You can also enter an email address for your customer.
- Click OK to save and create the new card member.
Create New Card Members
To Create A Card For An Existing Member
If your customer already has an online aG Data member, you can associate a tour card to that member.
- At any Member Login screen:
- If your customer’s member name displays in the Members list:
- Choose the + sign next to your customer’s name and enter a password if prompted to.
- Your customer will display in Today’s Group.
- Choose edit online member.
- With the edit member menu up, swipe a new card.
- You will see the Card ID associated to your customer’s name.
- Your customer can now swipe their card to login at any aboutGOLF Simulator.
- If your customer’s member name does not display in the Members list:
- Choose create member.
- Enter your customer’s online aG Data member name.
- You will be asked if you would like to login the existing member - say Yes.
- Enter your customer’s member password.
- Choose edit online member.
- With the edit member menu up, swipe a new card.
- You will see the Card ID associated to your customer’s name.
- Your customer can now swipe their card to login at any aboutGOLF Simulator.
Card Member Login
Once you have created a card member for your customer, they will be able to swipe their card to login at your aboutGOLF Simulator.
Card members can swipe their card and login at the main menu or at any member login screen. Or they can swipe their card during game play including round or range play.
Your customers can swipe their card to login at the following game play areas:
- Round Play - Note: Swiping cards during Match play is not allowed.
- Practice Range
- Custom Stroke Games
- aG Compete - Leaderboard Screen
- Challenge Games - Setup Screen
- Classic Games - Leaderboard Screen
- Club Fitting - Existing Member Login Screen
Note: You also have the option to swipe a blank card at any of the above game play areas to create a new card member.
Swipe Card at Member Login
Edit Existing Card Members
To edit an existing card member:
- Swipe an existing customer’s card.
- If the card has a password, enter the password for the card member.
- You can edit the following information for your customer’s card member:
- Enter/Create a password for your customer, or update an existing password.
- Enter/Create an email address for your customer, or update an existing email address.
- Set Remember Password to Yes (Checked) or No (Not Checked).
- The first time your customer swipes their card in your Simulator, and their card has a password associated to it, they will be asked if they want to remember their password for all subsequent card swipes in that Simulator.
- When Remember Password is set to Yes, and a password is set, your customer will automatically be logged in when swiping their card. They will not be required to enter their password.
- When Remember Password is set to No, and a password is set, your customer will be prompted to enter their password when swiping their card before they can login.
- Set 18 or Older to Yes (Checked) or No (Not Checked).
- Set Add to Email List to Yes (Checked) or No (Not Checked).
- Click OK to save the information you enter, or click Cancel to discard your changes.
Replace Member Card
If your customer loses their card, you can replace their card if they have a password.
Member Login Screen
- If the card member already exists in the Members list, click the + sign next to the customer’s name and enter a password if prompted.
- If the card member does not exist in the Members list, choose create member and enter the customer’s name and password.
- The member will be in Today’s Group.
- Choose edit online member.
- At the edit member menu, swipe a new blank card.
- Say Yes to replace the old card with the new card.
- The new Card ID will now be associated to your customer’s card member.
aboutGOLF Card Manager Kiosk
- Choose Add or replace card for existing player.
- If the member is not listed, choose Add Unlisted Member and enter the customer’s name.
- If the member is in the list, click the + sign next to your customer’s name.
- Enter the password if prompted.
- At the edit member menu, swipe a new blank card.
- Say Yes to replace the old card with the new card.
- The new Card ID will now be associated to your customer’s card member.
Clear Card ID
If you have a card that is no longer being used, you can clear out the existing customer’s card. Once the card is cleared, you will be able to swipe the card again to create a different/new member that will be associated to that card.
To clear an existing Card ID:
- Swipe an existing customer’s card.
- If the customer’s card has a password, enter the password for your customer.
- The card member will be listed in Today’s Group.
- Click edit online member.
- Choose Clear Card ID.
- If no password exists, you will be required to create a password before clearing the card.
- After clicking OK, the card will be cleared.
- You will now be able to swipe the card again to create a new/different member.
Choose Clear Card ID Answer Yes to clear the member’s card
aG Data Login
aboutGOLF card members can use their card member name to login at the aG Data website and view practice shots, rounds played and aG Compete events as long as they have a password associated to their card.
To login to aG Data:
- Go to:
- Enter the customer’s card member name.
- Enter the customer’s password associated to their card.
- If no password was originally assigned to your customer’s card, follow these steps to add a password to their card.
- At the Member Login screen, swipe their card.
- Your customer will be logged in.
- Choose the option edit online member.
- Enter a password in the password field.
- Confirm the password.
- Click OK to save your customer’s card member with their password.
At the aG Data website, your customers can view shot data, lessons and swing videos from the practice range, game rounds completed, and aG Compete events they have participated in.
Kiosk Mode
aboutGOLF also allows you to create and/or edit card members using a Kiosk setting. The Kiosk allows you to create card members at the front desk to help facilitate the creation of new members before they start play at your Simulator.
Pre-Setup For Kiosk Mode
- Before starting the game, create a blank file in the Program Files\Friendly Software\World Tours Golf\PGA Tour Simulator folder named MagneticCardManager.txt.
- With the MagneticCardManager.txt file in place, the game will start up Kiosk mode.
Kiosk Mode - Main Menu
Kiosk Mode
Main Menu Screen
With the MagneticCardManager.txt file in place, the game will start up in Kiosk mode and the main menu will display. At the main menu, you have the option to:
- Create a new card member by swiping a blank card.
- Edit a card member by swiping an existing member’s card.
Add Or Replace Screen
At the main menu, choose Add or replace card for existing player. At the Existing Member Login screen you have the option to:
- Create a new card member by swiping a blank card.
- Edit a card member by swiping an existing member’s card.
- Create a card for an existing member.
- If the member is not listed, choose Add Unlisted Member and enter the customer’s name.
- If the member is in the list, click the + sign next to your customer’s name.
- Enter the password if prompted.
- With the edit member menu up, swipe a new card.
- You will see the Card ID associated to your customer’s name.
- Your customer can now swipe their card to login at any aboutGOLF Simulator.
- Replace a card for a member.
- If the member is not listed, choose Add Unlisted Member and enter the customer’s name.
- If the member is in the list, click the + sign next to your customer’s name.
- Enter the password if prompted.
- At the edit member menu, swipe a new card and answer Yes to replace the old card.
- Note: The customer’s card must have a password associated to it to replace it.