aG Classic Games
Training Manual
1600 Series - March 2020
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Compete in Classic Events
Time to open the competition! Classic games allow players to compete in both closest to pin and long drive events with Leaderboard result tracking.
You can also display ads for your event or setup classic fundraisers. See the Advertising Kit Pro and aG Fundraising manuals for more information.
Classic Leaderboard Screen

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Start a Classic Game
- From the Main Menu click on Compete then Classic.
- At the Classic Skill Events menu, click to select the skill game type you wish to play. Game types are:
- If games exist for the type selected, those games will display in the list.
- Select and highlight the game you wish to play and click OK to navigate to the classic setup screen.
- If no games have been created yet, or if you wish to create a new game, click on the new event button.
- Enter a name for the classic game and click OK.
- The classic setup screen will be displayed.
- Select the options for your classic game then click Next.
- At the leaderboard screen, you must create a golfer before playing a classic game.
- Click New Golfer under the leaderboard table.
- Enter a golfer name and click OK.
- You will be taken to the classic game where you have the option to take a shot with the golfer just created, or to return to the leaderboard to create more golfers.
- If you choose Leaderboard in the game before taking a shot, your golfer will display in the Next Up list when returning to the leaderboard screen.
Classic Skill Events Menu

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Classic Game Setup Screen

At the classic games setup screen, select the following for your classic game:
- Course (top left) - Click the course icon to display a list of installed courses to choose from.
- Target Distance (mid left next to course icon) - Click to set a target distance to be used for a closest to pin game (not available for long drive games). If a player’s shot beats the target distance, a message will display in the game and the player’s score will display above the target distance on the Leaderboard.
- Fundraiser Options (below target distance) - Click to display the Fundraiser setup screen. Fundraisers can be setup for both closest to pin and long drive games.
- Ad Editor (below fundraiser options) - Click to add images that will display in the classic games.
- Clear Results (below ad editor) - Click to clear results for an existing game. All previous shots taken and shot data will be removed for the game.
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Classic Game Setup Screen
- Hole to Play (top right) - Click the Hole number to select/de-select the hole for the game. The Select Tee Location menu will display. Only holes available for the course can be selected. For example: Only the Front 9 holes are available for the Preserve course so only holes 1 – 9 can be selected.

- Pin / Fairway Required (below 1 - 9 holes to play) - Set either the pin location or the fairway required option.
- For closest to pin games, set the pin location.
- For long drive games, set the fairway required option.
- If fairway required is set to yes, a shot must land in the fairway, approach, fairway/rough, or green to be valid.
- Ground (below pin / fairway required) - Select the ground type. This option will affect the ball bounce and roll physics in the game.
- Show Distance (below ground) - Select yes to show a player’s shot results on the Leaderboard. If Show Distance is set to no, ???? will display in place of the shot value on the Leaderboard.
- Green Stimp (below show distance) - Select the green speed. The default value is 8.5.
- You can change the default setting in the StimpMeterDefault.txt file in the Friendly Software\World Tours Golf\aG Simulator folder.
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Classic Game Setup Screen
- Shot Limit (below green stimp) - Select the maximum number of shots allowed for the game. When the shot limit is reached for a player, no additional shots can be taken. If the shot limit is set to unlimited, players can continue to take an unlimited number of shots.
- Wind Direction (below 10 - 18 holes to play) - Select the wind direction.
- Wind Speed (below wind direction) - Select the wind speed.
- Mulligans (below wind speed) - Select from the following:
- yes: Mulligans enabled - no password required.
- yes - password: Mulligans enabled - admin password required before taking a mulligan.
- no: Mulligans disabled.
- Note: When a player chooses a mulligan, their previous shot score will be backed out and replaced with their current best shot score.
- Tee (below mulligans) - Set the tee location for the hole selected for the game. You also have the option to set a custom tee location.
- Click on the hole selected for play.
- The Select Tee Location menu is displayed.
- Click the Tee for Hole list box.
- Select custom tee.
- Click on the top view image to the right to place your custom tee location.
- The custom tee icon will display on the top view along with the number of yards from the tee to pin.
- To change your custom tee location, simply click on the top view again.
- Click OK to save your custom tee location.
- Note: To avoid an error when loading your classic game, do not place your custom tee in an out of bounds area or on unplayable terrain (for example: on water).
- Sound Menu (upper right - speaker icon) - Select to turn ON/OFF event sounds.
- Choose Next to go to the leaderboard to create golfers for your classic game.
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Classic Game Leaderboard
- At the leaderboard screen, you must create a golfer before playing a classic game.
- Click New Golfer under the leaderboard table.
- Enter a golfer name and click OK.
- You will be taken to the classic game where you have the option to take a shot with the golfer just created, or to return to the leaderboard to create more golfers.
- If you choose Leaderboard in the game before taking a shot, your golfer will display in the Next Up list when returning to the leaderboard screen.
Click New Golfer to create a new golfer

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Classic Games Leaderboard
Leaderboard Options
- After completing a classic game, view participants’ rankings, scores and shots taken in the leaderboard table.
- If Show Distance is set to no at the classic games setup screen, ????? will display on the leaderboard, and the shot distances for all players will be hidden.
- If Target Distance is on, participants rankings will display either above or below the target distance on the leaderboard table based on their shot score. The target distance can only be set for closest to pin events.
- If the classic game is setup as a fundraiser, you will see the fundraiser graph displayed to the right.
- The fundraiser graph tracks the total amount raised.
- Next Up List - Shows all participants not yet entered.
- New Golfer - Click to create a new golfer for game play.
- Email - Click to enter an email address for the golfer highlighted.
- Remove - Click to delete the golfer highlighted.
- Phone/ID - Click to enter a phone number for the golfer highlighted.
- Skip Player - Click to skip to the next player in the Next Up list.
- Scrolling Ticker - Displays along the bottom of the screen and shows the top rankings and last participant.
- Leave Event - Click to exit the leaderboard screen and return to the Main Menu.
- Hit Shots - Click to start or resume the game for the highlighted golfer.
- Sound Control - At the upper right of the leaderboard screen click the sound icon to bring up the sound control menu to turn On / Off sounds for your game.

Classic Leaderboard
Show Distance set to No
Table of Contents
Classic Game Interface
- Player name, shot #, best shot, hole #, par, distance, elevation +/-.
- Top Middle - Club Data (club icon):
- On - Display Measured Club Speed and other club data.
- Note: Measured Club Speed requires a club sticker.
- Off (X) - Do not display club data.
- C - Display Calculated Club Speed but exclude other club data.
- Note: Calculated Club Speed does not require a club sticker.
- Top Middle - 3-Trak Light Indicator (stop light image):
Green - System armed - Optimal ball placement.
Yellow - System armed – More than one ball at tee area or not optimal ball placement.
Red - System NOT armed, ball not placed in tee area.
- Row 1: Timer, ? (Help), - (Minimize Game), X (Exit Game).
- Row 2: Speaker Icon (Sound Menu), Home icon (Return to Main Menu), < (Go Back to Previous Screen), Flyby icon (Play a 3D fly through tour of the hole).
- Hide UI - Hides all ui information on screen.
- Call Aide - Notify aG Control attendant for help.
- Midway left - Hole Overhead View:
- Click on the hole view to get an expanded overhead view.
- Note: Turn on/off the hole view by changing the Top View option at the Utilities screen.
- Wind - Speed and direction of wind.
- Lie - Lie (terrain type) of players’ ball location.
- Bottom - Toolbar Options:
- Advice - Click to hear advice for the current shot / ball location.
- Options - Set game options.
- Leaderboard - Click to return to the leaderboard to view your ranking.
- Aim - Use arrows to adjust aim and avoid obstacles or to change the default aim of your shot.
- Grid - Change grid options.
- Clubs - This option only displays if the Round Club Selection option is set to on or required at the Utilities screen. Note: The Clubs option is off by default.
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Play Classic Games
Classic games allow players to participate in either closest to pin or long drive games, while competing against one another for top rankings. First, second and third place participants display with a colored medal in the game.
All score results are saved and displayed on the leaderboard. The leaderboard displays each player’s ranking, along with the player’s name, score, and total shots taken.
Closest to Pin Game - Target Distance is 15 feet to pin

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Play Classic Games
Long Drive Classic Game

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Play Classic Games
How to Play a Classic Game
- At the leaderboard screen create a new golfer and click OK. Or select a golfer in the Next Up list and choose Hit Shots. You will be taken to the classic game.
- The starting location for the game will be based on the hole and tee selected at the setup screen.
- For closest to pin games, a “marquee” animation displays directing you to the pin location.
- For long drive games, yardage markers on the terrain indicate the distance from the tee.
- Take your shot. If your shot ranks in the top three, your name will display with a place marker on the screen. Each place marker is indicated by a different color as follows:
- Blue medal - First place ranking.
- Red medal - Second place ranking.
- Yellow medal - Third place ranking.
- Note: If the Show Distances option is set to no, the colored place markers will NOT display.
- For closest to the pin games:
- The top three rankings will display a colored ring on the terrain if the shot is within 60 feet of the pin.
- A colored ring will also display in the top view if the shot is within 100 feet of the pin.
- If the Target Distance is set, you will see the target distance marker in the game. When a player’s shot beats the target distance, a message will display on the post shot screen.
- If Fairway Required = yes, the shot must land in the fairway, approach, fairway/rough or green to be considered valid.
- If the shot is invalid, no ranking will be computed. The following shots are considered invalid:
- Out of bounds shots.
- Forced drop shots - which include shots that end up in the water or unplayable terrain.
- Once you have completed your shot, the post shot menu will display the following information:
- Golfer’s shot number and distance
- Shots remaining
- Best shot and rank
- Leader distance (The leader distance is not displayed if the Show Distances option is set to no)
- On the classic games post shot toolbar:
- The Mulligan option will display on the post shot toolbar if set to yes or yes - password at the classic games setup screen. Note: When the player chooses a mulligan, their previous shot score will be backed out and replaced with their current best shot score.
- If no shots remain, you will be prompted to Return to the leaderboard.
- If there are remaining shots to take, you will have the option to Hit Again to try to better your score.
Table of Contents
Play Classic Games
Closest to Pin Game
Medals and top view rings display for the top 3 players

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Classic Game Post Shot Screen
Once you have completed your shot, the post shot screen will display the following information:
Top Middle
- Golfer name (top) - Displays golfer’s name, shot # and score.
- Shots Remaining (below golfer name) - Number of shots left.
- Best Shot / Rank (below shots remaining) - Displays the golfer’s best shot and overall ranking.
- Leader (below best shot / results) - Displays the first place score (leader).
- Note: If Show Distances is set to no, no Leader will display.

Bottom Toolbar
- 3Trak - Go to the 3Trak screen.
- Save Shot - Click to save the shot just taken to replay later.
- Replay - Replay the current shot with several view options including: Forward, Reverse, TV Camera, Reverse Ball Cam, Ball Cam.
- Mulligan - This option will display if set at the classic games setup screen.
- Hit Again - If the player has remaining shots to take, they will have the option to Hit Again to try to better their score. Note: Set the shot limit to a value > 1 at the classic setup screen to see this option.
- Return - Choose to return to the leaderboard screen to view all player’s rankings.