aG Club Fitting
Training Manual
1600 Series - March 2020
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Club Fitting Overview
- A club fitting session allows side by side comparison of shot data for different clubs. Note: The club fitting product must be included in your license key to use this feature.
- Data is collected using a statistically neutral range.
- After taking your shots at the club fitting range:
- Go to the club fitting screen to view shot or club data in average or deviation tables.
- Go to the shot compare screen to view data for a single club.
- Note: Measurements denoted with '--' are not included in the average or standard deviation calculations.
- You also have the option to print and email a report in PDF format (compatible with IOS and Android).

Club Fitting - Shot Averages Table
- View average shot data for all clubs.
- Click the shot data icon to go to the shot compare screen to view individual shots.
- Choose to print a report for clubs in the table.
- You also have the option to email your report after it is finished printing.

Club Fitting - Club Averages Table
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Club Fitting Setup
- Set the units (either Imperial or Metric) you wish to display for your club fitting session at the Utilities screen.
- From the Main Menu click the Utilities button.
- Click the Units list box.
- Choose the unit combination you wish to use.
- For faster data collection, speed up a club fitting session by choosing accelerated ball flight at the Utilities screen.
- From the Main Menu click the Utilities button.
- Click the Ball Speed list box.
- Choose the accelerated ball speed you wish to use.
Set Units and Ball Speed at the Utilities Screen

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Start Club Fitting Session
- Choose Club Fitting at the Main Menu.
- You are prompted to Create New Member or Use Existing Member.
- Create New Member - Create a new aG Data member (online member) or Guest Member.
- Use Existing Member - Select the member you wish to use for your session by clicking the + sign next to the member name, or double click the member name.
- A world icon next to the member name indicates they are an online logged in member.
- All active members will display at the top of the list.
- If there are 8 active members in the list, you must remove a member by clicking the - sign next to a member name before selecting a new member.
- The following options are also available at the Existing Member Login screen:
- Create Member - Create an aG Data member (online member) or Guest Member.
- If the member name you enter exists on the cloud, you will be prompted to login your aG Data member. When logging in your aG Data member, you may be asked to download data from the cloud.
- Delete Member - Delete an existing member.
- Copy Member - Copy an existing Guest member’s clubs, member statistics, shot data, lessons, balance data and swing videos to a new member.
- When copying a Guest member to a new aG Data member, you may be asked to upload existing data to the cloud. This allows you to sync all data for your new member to your online locker at the aG Data website.
- Note: You are not allowed to copy from an online member.
- Remove All Active Members - Removes all active members from the list at once.
- After creating a new member or selecting an existing member, you are taken to the Player Info screen.
- Optionally enter profile information for your player then click OK.
- At the club fitting screen, create one or more clubs, then click Range to start your session.
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Start Club Fitting Session
Choose Club Fitting at Main Menu Create New Member or Use Existing Member

Complete the player profile and click OK Click Range to start Club Fitting session

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Club Fitting Toolbar
After creating your Clubs, select a club to use for your session and choose Range. The Club Fitting toolbar is displayed at the range with the following information:
Top - Toolbar Options
- Player Name
- Club Type and Club Name
- Shot Number
- Top Middle -Club Data (club icon):
- On - Display measured club speed data. Measured club speed requires a club sticker.
- Off (X) - Do not display club data.
- C - Display calculated club speed. Calculated club speed does not require a club sticker.
- Top Middle - 3Trak Light Indicator:
- Green - System armed: Optimal ball placement.
- Yellow - System armed: More than one ball at tee area or not optimal ball placement.
- Red - System not armed, ball not placed in tee area.
- Row One: Timer, ? (Help), - (Minimize Game), X (Exit Game)
- Row Two: Home icon (Return to Main Menu), < (Go back to previous screen)
- Call Aide - Notify aG Control attendant for help.
Bottom - Toolbar Options
- Lie - Displays the lie (terrain type) when the graph is off. Note: The lie is always set to Tee at the Club Fitting range.
- Graph - The top and side view graphs are displayed at the left of the screen above the toolbar. The default is off.
- Options - Set Club Fitting options.
- Navigate - Click to navigate to Club Fitting screens.
- Lessons - View existing lessons or record a new lesson.
- Target - Click to select the target type and distance.
- Clubs - Click to select a club, to create a new club for your session, or to change the filter options.
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Club Fitting Toolbar
Click Clubs to display all the clubs in your bag

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Gather Club Fitting Data
- At the Club Fitting range, take shots using the currently selected club, or select a different club from your bag by clicking the Clubs button. You can also create a new club, or set the options to filter your clubs by at the Clubs menu.
- To create a new club:
- Click Clubs - New Club.
- Select the club type for your new club.
- Accept the default club name or enter a new name and click OK.
- The club you just created will be selected for play.
- Click the Filter button.
- Select the date, club type, and show option (checked or unchecked shots) to filter your clubs by.
- You can also select to only display clubs with shots.
- Note: You will not be able to take shots at the range for the following filter selections:
- If your date filter is set to a previous date.
- If your club filter is set to a club type that does not exist in your bag.
- If the show option set does not have checked or unchecked shots.
- If only display clubs with shots is selected, and no clubs have shots, or no clubs for the date, club type and show filter have shots.
- After taking a shot, notice that data is hidden on the screen. The statistically neutral club fitting Range keeps data collection objective.
- If the shot is a miss-hit, you have the option to un-select the shot.
- Choose Options - Shot - uncheck last shot.
- The shot will not be included in the data collection for that club.
- After you have finished taking shots, go back to the club fitting screens to compare performance.
- Choose Navigate - Club Fitting to view shot or club data for all clubs.
- Or choose Navigate - Shot Compare to view individual shot or club data for the club selected.
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Club Fitting Screen
After taking shots at the range, return to the Club Fitting screen to compare shot and club data.
Club Fitting Screen
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Club Fitting Screen
Club Fitting Options
Select the following options at the Club Fitting screen:
- At the upper left of the screen, choose Club to select from the following:
- Create a new club.
- Create a set of 13 quick clubs.
- Delete all clubs.
- Order clubs by date or name.
- Create a reference club.
- At the upper middle of the screen, click the arrow key next to the data table type button to choose to display either shot or club averages data in the table. To display deviation values:
- Click the shot averages button to display shot deviations.
- Click the club averages button to display club deviations.
- Note: Click the right/left arrow keys to choose between the shot or club tables.
- At the top right of the screen, click the Filter button to filter the clubs in the table.
- The data table displays either shot or club data depending on the data table type you have selected. Data can display the following information
- Shot Averages
- Shot Deviations
- Club Averages
- Club Deviations
- To see individual shot data for a club, highlight the club then click the Tee icon under the shot data column, or hit the Enter key.
- Click the up/down arrow keys to select a row on the table.
- The graphs display under the data table and show all shots or an average of shots for each club. Select from the following graph types:
- Side View
- Top View
- Total Dispersion
- Carry Dispersion
- At the bottom left, click Print to print the Club Fitting screen.
- Next to Print choose Player Info to update information about your player.
- Next to Player Info, click Session Notes to add session notes to the report.
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Club Fitting Screen
Analyze Club Fitting Data
View the following information on the Club Fitting table:
- Club - Lists the club type and name associated to the club.
- Club State - Click to check or uncheck your club. Options are:
- Checked (Default)
- Unchecked
- Graph Color - Each club is assigned a unique graph color.
- To change the default graph color for your club, click on the color bar next to the club name.
- The graph color menu will display.
- Choose a new graph color for your club.
- Note: The club fitting graph selections display at the lower left of the screen.
- Club Info - Click to add information for the club selected. The club information will display on the printed report.
- Shot Data - Click the Shot Data icon or click the Enter key to display the shot data screen.
- From the shot data screen, you have the option to view data for each shot.
- Note: Only shots selected at the shot data screen will display on the club fitting screen.
- At the shot data screen, the following options may also be selected:
- Club Notes - Click to add club notes for the club.
- OK or Enter key - Return to the Club Fitting screen.
- Shot or Club data - The average or deviation values of all shots selected at the Shot Data screen. Note: Measurements denoted with '--' are not included in the average or standard deviation calculations.
- The best average value is highlighted in green.
- To switch between shot and club data, click the arrow button at the top right next to the table name or click on the right/left arrow keys.

- To switch between average and deviation values, click the Shot Averages/Shot Deviations button or click the Club Averages/Club Deviations button.
- To see a description of each field, move your mouse over the desired column heading button to display a delayed tool tip.
- Note: Data in the tables may be sorted by any value.
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Club Fitting Screen
Analyze Club Fitting Data
- Smash - Ratio of ball speed to club speed, impact efficiency measure.
- Ball - Ball speed at launch.
- Club - Speed of center of clubface at impact.
- Total - Total shot distance including air, bounce and roll.
- Carry - Distance the ball travels in air.
- Back - Ball’s rotation rate at impact.
- Side - Ball’s horizontal spin rate at impact (‘r’ight or ‘l’eft).
- Vert - Initial vertical launch angle of ball relative to ground.
- Horiz - Ball’s initial horizontal launch angle (‘r’ight or ‘l’eft).
- Offline - Ball landing distance off-line relative to target line (‘r’ight or ‘l’eft).
- Club - Speed of center of clubface at impact.
- Ball - Ball speed at launch.
- Smash - Ratio of ball speed to club speed, impact efficiency measure.
- Offset - Distance the ball is hit off center of the club head.
- A T value indicates the shot was toward the toe while a H value indicates the shot was toward the heel.
- Note: 3Trak uses the center of the club sticker for measurements. Be sure the club sticker is centered on the club head to ensure the reported offset is consistent with the center of the club.
- Atck - Vertical angle the club head is moving at impact.
- Path - Horizontal angle the club head is moving at impact (‘r’ight or ‘l’eft).
- Horiz - Ball’s initial horizontal launch angle (‘r’ight or ‘l’eft).
- Offline - Ball landing distance off-line relative to target line (‘r’ight or ‘l’eft).
- Apex - Highest point of the air portion of shot.
- Class - Classification of a shot’s shape: strt (straight), pull, push, fade, draw, hook or slice.
- Delete Club - Click to delete the club and all shots associated to that club.
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Club Fitting Screen
Screen Options
- Next to the Session Notes button, click Report to print a report that includes all clubs with shots listed in the table. The report is generated and then the PDF viewer is displayed with the following information:
- Player information.
- Club Compare Section - Compares shot and club data by club type.
- Club Details Section - Compares individual shot and club data for a single club.
- After the report is complete, you have the option to email your report, which is compatible with iOS and Android devices.
- Next to Report click Range to go to the Club Fitting range and take shots with the club selected.
Additional Options
- Enter Key - Display the shot compare screen for the club highlighted.
- Arrow Keys - Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to navigate at the Club Fitting screen.
- Click the right/left arrow keys to choose between the shot or club table.
- Click the up/down arrow keys to select a row on the table.
Sorting Data Values
- Data in the Club Fitting tables may be sorted by any value.
- Note: For the Club Deviations table, the sort option is not available for the Class field.
- To change the sort option, click the desired column button. For example:
- Click the Smash button on the shot table.
- Data values will be sorted by the Smash value - highest value to lowest value (descending).
- Click the Smash button again and values will be sorted lowest to highest (ascending).
- Note: For the Offline value, you have the ability to sort by the following 4 options:
- Low to High - with left/right intermixed
- High to Low - with left/right intermixed
- All Left - high to low followed by All Right - low to high
- All Right - high to low followed by All Left - low to high
- You also have the option to change the order of the data columns along the top of the table by specifying the order in a configuration file.
- For example: You can choose to display the Smash column first on the shot table (instead of the Total column). Please refer to the software release notes for more information.
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How to Create Clubs
- Before starting a club fitting session, you are required to create one or more clubs.
- To create one new club for your session:
- Click Clubs - New Club.
- Select the club type - for example Driver.
- Enter a unique descriptive name, or accept the default name, and click OK.
- The new club will be created and listed in the Clubs column.
- The new club will also be selected for play.
- To create a complete set of clubs for your session:
- Click Clubs - Quick Clubs.
- Answer Yes to create the clubs.
- A full set of clubs will be created and listed in the Clubs column.
- To create a copy of your club:
- Left click on the highlighted club.
- Click the Copy Club button.
- A new club will be created with the same club type and name.
- Note: The new club will include “copy” in the name.
Create a New Club for Club Fitting Session

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How to Create Clubs
Add a Reference Club
Club Fitting allows you to select a club from a different golfer to compare data to. This option allows you to compare your data to a pro’s. The club selected from the different golfer will display in the table with a reference club icon. Note: You will not be able to add new shots to the reference club.
To add a reference club to your member:
- At the Club Fitting screen, click Clubs - Add a Reference Club.
- Click the plus sign next to the member or double click the member name.
- All the clubs associated to the member will display.
- Click the plus sign next to the club you wish to compare data to or double click the club name.
- The reference club you select will be added to the table.
- The reference club name will include both the club and member name.
- The clubs icon next to the club name indicates it is a reference club.

Table of Contents
How to Create Clubs
Add Club Information
- At the club fitting screen, click on the club icon under the Club Info column.
- The club information screen will display.
- Add club detail information for some or all fields.
- Click OK to return to the club fitting screen.
- TIP: For quick tool tip type access to certain key details for a club without leaving the club fitting screen, hover over the club icon for a club to view the following information:
- The club information entered at the club information screen will also display on the report.

Club Information Screen Hover over club Icon to display info
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How to Filter Clubs
- Click the Filter button at the top right of the screen to filter your clubs.
- To filter clubs:
- Select the date, club type, and show option (checked or unchecked shots) to filter your clubs by.
- You can also select to only display clubs with shots.
- Note: You will not be able to take shots at the range if your date filter is set to a previous date. However you can still view shot data for the date selected by choosing Navigate - Post Shot at the range toolbar.
- To reset a filter back to All, select All in the list or click the X button next to the filter option.
Choose options to filter clubs by at the Filter Menu

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Club Fitting Graphs
- The graphs display below the Club Fitting data table.
- The 4 main graph types are: top view, side view, total dispersion and carry dispersion.
- For each graph type, you can choose to display either All shots or an Average of all shots for the club.
- You also have the option to display all 4 graphs on one screen, or to enlarge the currently selected graph to full screen mode.
- Select a club in the table to highlight that club on the graph.
- All shots taken for that club will be highlighted on the graph.
- Each club is assigned a unique graph color. Click the color bar next to the club to change the color.
- Club Fitting graphs display information based on the shots checked for that club at the shot compare screen. You also have the option to uncheck/check shots from the following:
- At the Range choose Options - Shot. Select uncheck last shot.
- At the Range choose Navigate - Post Shot - Shot Analysis. Uncheck or check the shot by clicking next to the shot number.
The DR Ping club is highlighted in the table and graph

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Club Fitting Graphs
Side View Graph - All Shots Side View Graph - Average

Total Dispersion Graph - All Shots Total Dispersion Graph - Average
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Shot Compare Screen
View shot or club data for a single club at the shot compare screen.
- To access the shot compare screen:
At the club fitting screen, click the shot data icon button next to your club.
- Or highlight the club to view shot data for and hit the Enter key.
- You can also view shot data from the Range. Choose Navigate - Shot Compare.
- To filter shot data by date, click the Filter button at the top right.
- Note: You will not be able to take shots at the range if your date filter is set to a previous date. However you can still view shot data for the date selected by choosing Navigate - Post Shot at the range toolbar.
- To switch between shot and club data, click the arrow button at the top left by the golfer name.
- The average or deviation data for all shots selected is displayed along the bottom of the table.
- To switch between average and deviation mode, click the Average/Deviation button at the lower left of the table.
- Note: Measurements denoted with '--' are not included in the average or standard deviation calculations.
- Only shots selected will be included in the table averages or deviations and on the graphs. The average or deviation values displayed at the Shot Compare screen are the same values displayed on the Club Fitting tables for your club.
- To include or remove shots:
- Uncheck or check the shot by clicking next to the shot number.
- Choose Uncheck All - All shots will be removed from the graph.
- Choose Check All - All shots will be included again on the graph.
- You also have the option to uncheck/check shots from the following:
- At the Range choose Options - Shot. Select uncheck last shot.
- At the Range choose Navigate - Post Shot - Shot Analysis. Uncheck or check the shot by clicking next to the shot number.
- To delete all shots associated to your club, choose the Delete All button.
Table of Contents
Shot Compare Screen
Sorting Data Values
Data in the Shot Compare tables may be sorted by any value. (Note: For the Club Deviations table, the sort option is not available for the Class field.) To change the sort option, click the desired column heading button. For example:
- Click the Total button on the Shot Data table.
- Data values will be sorted by the Total value - highest value to lowest value (descending).
- Click the Total button again and values will be sorted lowest to highest (ascending).
- Note: For the Offline value, you have the ability to sort by the following 4 options:
- Low to High - with left/right intermixed
- High to Low - with left/right intermixed
- All Left - high to low followed by All Right - low to high
- All Right - high to low followed by All Left - low to high
- You also have the option to change the order of the data columns along the top of the table by specifying the order in a configuration file.
- For example: You can choose to display the Total column first on the Shot Data table (instead of the Smash column). Please refer to the software release notes for more information.
Additional Options
At the shot compare screen, the following options may also be selected:
- Club Notes - Add club notes for the club.
- OK - Return to the Club Fitting screen.
- Enter Key - Return to the Club Fitting screen.
- Arrow Keys - Use the arrow keys on the Shot Compare screen to navigate.
- Click the right/left arrow keys to choose between the Shot Data or Club Data tables.
- Click the up/down arrow keys to select a row on the table.
- Note: The report printed at the Club Fitting screen will include all the shots selected/checked at the Shot Compare screen.
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Shot Compare Graphs
The shot compare graphs are displayed below the shot compare data table.
- Select a table row to highlight the shot you wish to view on the graph.
- The data for the selected shot will be highlighted on the graph.
- Each shot is assigned a unique graph color. Click the color bar next to a shot to change the graph color.
- The 4 main graph types are: top view, side view, total dispersion and carry dispersion.
- For each graph type, you have the option to display either All Shots or an Average of all shots for the club.
- You also have the option to display all 4 graphs on one screen, or to enlarge the currently selected graph to full screen mode.
Total Dispersion - All Shots
Click the circle to display the shot number

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Shot Compare Graphs
Side View Graph - All Shots Side View Graph - Average

Total Dispersion - All Shots Total Dispersion - Average