aG Max
Training Manual

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Welcome to aG Max
Welcome to aG Max - the future of indoor golf. aG Max allows up to 10 bays to play at once and view their results on the screen simultaneously.
Different game modes are available allowing players to practice their shots at the driving range, or to play games such as darts or field goal games. You can play alone at a single bay, or play with others by hosting or joining a group of multiple bays.

Table of Contents
Start aG Max
- To start, click the aG Max button at the main menu.
- The aG Max screen will display.
- At the aG Max screen, choose Single Bay to play at a single bay, or choose to play in a multiple bay group by choosing Host or Join.
- For Single Bay play, setup the round and choose start to begin.
- For a Multiple Bay group, the host will setup the round options and invite the joined bays to play.
- All participants, both single bays and multiple bay groups, will see their shots and final results displayed on the aG Max main screen.
Choose aG Max to begin play
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Start aG Max
aG Max Screen - 8 bays playing at the same time

aG Max Screen -
Bay 1 is a single bay while bays 2 and 3 are in a group
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aG Max Screen
- At the aG Max screen, select from the following options:
- Single Bay - Start aG Max as a single bay.
- Host a Group - Start aG Max as the host of a group of bays.
- Join a Group - Start aG Max selecting to join a hosted group.
aG Max Screen

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Setup Single Bay
Select Single Bay at the aG Max screen when you do not want to play against other bays. This allows you to play alone or with the other players at your bay. Your score is not affected by the other bays playing. You will see your round on the aG Max screen along with any other bays playing alone or in a group.
- From the main menu select aG Max.
- At the aG Max screen, select Single Bay.
Select Single Bay to start
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Setup Single Bay
- Before starting a round, setup the following items at the aG Max Single Bay screen:
- Add members to the round:
- Click the + sign next to the selected player to open the Member Login screen.
- At the Member Login screen, select up to 8 players for the round.
- TIP: To allow players to compete more evenly against each other, setup a Skill Level.
- All members you select at the Member Login screen, plus the Quick Start Player, will be available at the aG Max round.
- Driving Range - Take shots and view shot data on the 3D Leaderboard.
- Dartboard - Take shots at the dartboard for timed and scoring games.
- Field Goal - Take shots within the field goal for points.
- After setting up your Single Bay round options, select Start to begin.
Setup Single Bay round

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Setup Multiple Bay
For Multiple Bay play, choose to Host or Join a group. Up to 8 bays can participate at the same time.
- The Host bay invites other bays that have selected to Join a group.
- The bays selecting to Join must wait for the Host bay to invite them to that group.
- Once the Joined bays have been invited, they can join the group and play with the other bays in that group.
Host a Group
To host a group:
- From the main menu select aG Max.
- At the aG Max screen, select Host a Group.
Select Host a Group to host a group

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Setup Multiple Bay
Host a Group
- At the host aG Max Multiple Bay screen, all bays that have selected to Join a Group will display as available.
- Click the checkbox next to the bay or bays you wish to invite to the group.
- Once a bay has been invited, the option to Join Group will display at their bay.
- After choosing Join Group, the join bay will be added to the Bays for Group list at the host screen.
- If there are no bays listed as available at the host bay, you can still setup and begin your aG Max round.
- Once bays have selected to Join, they can be invited in the round by the host at the Setup screen.
Invite Bays to join Multiple Bay round

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Setup Multiple Bay
Host a Group
- Before starting a round, the host can setup the following items:
- Add members to the round:
- Click the + sign next to the selected player.
- At the Member Login screen, select up to 8 players for the round.
- TIP: To allow players to compete more evenly against each other, setup a Skill Level.
- All members you select at the Member Login screen, plus the Quick Start Player, will be available at the aG Max round.
- Driving Range - Take shots and view shot data on the 3D Leaderboard.
- Dartboard - Take shots at the dartboard for timed and scoring games.
- Field Goal - Take shots within the field goal for points.
- After setting up the round options, select Start to begin.
Setup Multiple Bay round

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Setup Multiple Bay
Host a Group
- At the aG Max round, you can invite bays to join the group by clicking the Setup button at the host bay.
- The Setup button will turn green indicating there are bays waiting to join the group.
- Click the checkbox next to the bay or bays you wish to invite.
- Only bays that have selected to Join a Group at the aG Max screen will display at the Setup menu.

At the host bay, select Setup to invite bays to a group

Click the checkbox next to a bay to invite them
Table of Contents
Setup Multiple Bay
Join a Group
To join a group:
- From the main menu select aG Max.
- At the aG Max screen, select Join a Group.
Select Join a Group to join a group

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Setup Multiple Bay
Join a Group
- At the join aG Max Multiple Bay screen, wait for the host bay to invite you.
- Once your bay has been invited to a group, you will see that group listed in the Groups to Join box.
- Select the group you wish to join then choose the Join Group button to participate in the round.
- If the round is in process when you choose to join, you will have to wait for the next round.
Choose Join Group to play with other bays in the selected group

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Play Round
Single Bay
- In the round, the game mode selected at the aG Max Single Bay screen is displayed at both your bay screen and on the main aG Max screen.
- You can change the selected member at your bay by completing the following steps:
- If the aG Max menu is not displayed, click the aG Max button at the lower left of the screen.
- Click the + sign at the top left.
- At the Member Login screen, select up to 8 members.
- Highlight the member you wish to use and click OK to return to the round.
- You can also select a different member from Today’s Group by clicking the Players list box.
Bay Screen - Choose a player from the list or add a new player by clicking the + sign

Table of Contents
Play Round
Single Bay
- For Driving Range game mode:
- The 3D Leaderboard displays the bay number, target distance, member name, club, shot number, and shot data.
- Click Clubs at the lower right of the bay screen to choose a club.
- Take shots for the selected member to try to hit the range target.
- If the Quick Start Player is selected, shots are not accumulated.
- For all other members, shots are accumulated and saved.
- The shot results can be viewed on both the bay screen and on the aG Max main screen.
aG Max Screen - Bay 1 is a single bay while Bay 2 and 3 are in a group playing darts

Table of Contents
Play Round
Single Bay
- For Dartboard or Field Goal game mode:
- Choose Start Round on the aG Max menu at the bay screen to begin the game.
- The 3D Leaderboard displays the participating bay number and current score.
- Click Clubs at the lower right of the bay screen to choose a club.
- Take shots to try to hit the dartboard point sections or between the goal posts.
- The shot results can be viewed on both the bay screen and on the aG Max main screen.
- The game is over when the time expires or a designated score is reached.
- At the end of the game, the Round Over message displays.
- To play again, click Start Round and take your shots.
aG Max Screen - Single bay 1 is playing darts while bays 2 and 3 play a field goal game

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Play Round
Multiple Bay
- In the round, the game mode selected at the host aG Max Multiple Bay screen is displayed.
- Each bay takes shots for the selected member.
- To change the selected member for both host and join bays:
- If the aG Max menu is not displayed, click aG Max at the lower left of the bay screen.
- Click the + sign at the top left.
- At the Member Login screen, select up to 8 members.
- Highlight the member you wish to use and click OK to return to the round.
- You can also select a different member from Today’s Group by clicking the Players list box.
Bay Screen - Click the + sign to add a player

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Play Round
Multiple Bay
- The host bay selects the game mode either before starting the round or during round play.
- The following game modes are available:
- Driving Range
- Dartboard
- Field Goal
- The join bays are automatically set to the game mode the host selects.
- For Driving Range game mode:
- The 3D Leaderboard displays the bay number, target distance, member name, club, shot number, and shot data.
- Each bay clicks Clubs at the lower right of the screen to select their club.
- Each bay takes shots for the selected member to try to hit the range target.
- If the Quick Start Player is selected, shots are not accumulated.
- For all other members, shots are accumulated and saved.
- The shot results can be viewed on the 3D Leaderboard.
- Players can compare their results to the other participating bays in the group.
aG Max Screen - Bays 1, 2 and 3 are in a group at the range with a common target

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Play Round
Multiple Bay
- For Dartboard or Field Goal game mode:
- At the host bay, choose Start Round on the aG Max menu to begin the game.
- The 3D Leaderboard displays the participating bay numbers and their current scores.
- Each bay clicks Clubs at the lower right of the screen to choose their club.
- Each bay takes shots to try to hit the dartboard point sections or between the goal posts.
- The shot results can be viewed on both the bay screen and on the aG Max main screen.
- The game is over when the time expires or a designated score is reached.
- At the end of the game, the Round Over and Winning Bay messages display.
- To play again, the host bay clicks Start Round to begin a new round.
aG Max Screen -
Bays 1, 2 and 3 in a group playing a field goal game
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Play Round
Common Target
For multiple bay play, the common target is available when 2 or 3 bays in a group are located side by side. The host turns on the common target and starts the round. One range target, dartboard or field goal displays in the center of the group of bays on the aG Max screen.
To turn on the common target:
- At the host setup screen, select the common target option after at least one adjacent bay has joined the group.
- The host can also turn on the common target at the Setup screen during the round.
aG Max Screen - Bays 1, 2 and 3 playing darts with common target on

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Game Play Modes
The following game play modes are available for aG Max:
- Driving Range
- Dartboard
- Field Goal
The host bay can set the game mode before starting the aG Max round, or during the round at the setup menu.

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Game Play Modes
Driving Range
- Use the Driving Range to practice your shots and view results on the 3D Leaderboard.
- You can take shots alone in a single bay or with other bays in a group.
- Each bay selects the target distance and type by clicking the Target button at the bottom of the screen.
- The following target types are available:
- Bullseye
- Island Green
- Multi Green with Bunkers - Only available to the host bay when the common target is on.
- When playing in a group, the common target can be turned on for up to 3 adjacent bays at once.
- All 3 bays will take shots at the same target.
- The host bay turns on the common target and selects the target type and distance.
- Click the Clubs button at the bottom right on the bay screen to choose the club you wish to practice with.
- Take your shot and view your results on the 3D Leaderboard.
- To turn off shot data on the 3D Leaderboard, select the aG Max button at the bottom left on the bay screen and set Shot Data on Sign to Off.
- Shots are accumulated for all members except the Quick Start Player.
- To view data for all shots taken, choose Navigate - Post Shot.
- You can view your data in different formats on the post shot screens.
- Note: The post shot screens are not available for the Quick Start Player.
- To record a lesson, choose the Lesson button at the bottom of the screen on the bay screen.
- If you have one or more cameras connected to your bay, your swing video is saved after taking your shot when your camera is enabled.
- To view the top and side view graphs for your shots, click the Graph button at the bottom of the bay screen. Note: The graphs do not display for the Quick Start Player.

Driving Range Mode
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Game Play Modes
- The Dartboard game mode allows you to play alone or against other players in a group.
- When playing in a group, the host sets the dartboard options and starts the round.
- Points are awarded based on the point section hit on the dartboard.
- You will see the points display and the dartboard light up on both your bay and the main aG Max screen.
- Points are awarded based on the following:
- Double points are awarded when the outer section point area is hit.
- Triple points are awarded when the inner section point area is hit.
- 25 points are awarded for the outer bullseye (green).
- 50 points are awarded for the inner bullseye (red).
- When playing in a group, the common dartboard can be turned on for up to 3 adjacent bays at once.
- All 3 bays will take shots at the same dartboard.
- The host bay turns on the common dartboard.
- Dartboard options:
- Scoring Type:
- Time - Timed rounds are based on how many points are earned during the selected time.
- Score - Scored rounds are based on which bay reaches 0 first from a starting score of either 101, 301 or 501.
- Set the dartboard distance from 50 to 130 yards.
- If disable hit spots is On:
- When anyone in the group hits a given spot on the dartboard, that spot is disabled for the rest of the round.
- No points will be awarded for any subsequent hits on that spot.
- If disable hit spots is Off:
- Any spot on the dartboard can be hit more than once during a round.
- Points are awarded when anyone in the group hits that spot at any time during the round.
- If tally round points is on, the 3D Leaderboard will display the winning points for all rounds played.
- Round points are awarded as follows:
- First Place Winner: 40 points
- Second Place Winner: 25 points
- Third Place Winner: 10 points
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Game Play Modes
aG Max Screen - 3 Bays play darts using a common dartboard

aG Max Screen - When the game is over, the winning bay is displayed

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Game Play Modes
Field Goal
- The Field Goal game mode allows you to play alone or against other players in a group.
- When playing in a group, the host sets the field goal options and starts the round.
- Points are awarded when the ball goes between the field goal posts based on the distance selected.
- You will see the points display on both your bay and the main aG Max screen.
- When playing in a group, the common field goal can be turned on for up to 3 adjacent bays at once.
- All 3 bays will take shots at the same field goal.
- The host bay turns on the common field goal.
- Field Goal options:
- Time - Set the time for the round. All bays take shots until the time expires.
- Distance - Set the field goal distance from 50 to 130 yards.
- Tally Round Points:
- If tally round points is on, the 3D Leaderboard will display the winning points for all rounds played.
- Round points are awarded as follows:
- First Place Winner: 40 points
- Second Place Winner: 25 points
- Third Place Winner: 10 points
aG Max Screen - 3 bays finish a field goal game with tally round points on

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Skill Level
Before starting your aG Max round, you can set the skill level for your player. When a skill level is set up, players of different abilities can compete more evenly with one another during a round.
At the setup screen, or in the round at the aG Max menu, click the + sign next to the selected player. This will open up the Member Login screen. Select your player and choose the Skill Level button to set your options.
Note: A skill level cannot be set for the Quick Start Player.

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Skill Level
What is Skill Level?
Skill level is a feature which allows you to affect more distance and better accuracy for your shots, or to make putting easier. Note: If the Power, Accuracy, and Putting options are set to 0%, no skill level will be applied.
Why Does This Feature Exist in the aboutGOLF Simulator?
Simply put: for fun. It’s fun to play a round with a 4 year old who will be rewarded with greater shot distances and accuracies. And if grandpa is in the group, he too can be rewarded - gaining back his lost distances.
When the simulator is used for team building exercises, the raw beginner feels a part of the team as he competes with other team members on an even playing field.
How Does Skill Level Work?
You can create a player’s skill level according to levels of Experience such as Youth, Novice, Amateur, Scratch or Senior. Each experience level has a pre-determined amount of ‘boost’ providing for more distance, more accuracy or to make more putts.
You can also utilize the player’s Handicap to create their skill level. Or setup a Custom skill level by manually selecting the Power, Accuracy, and Putting values you want to use.
By default, a player’s skill level is Off.