1500 Email Scorecard Configuration Training Manual

Email Scorecard Configuration 1500 Training Manual

Page 1 - End of Round Email 1500 Series Training Manual

Email Scorecard & Stats

Training Manual

1500 Series - March 2019


This document describes how to configure the aboutGOLF Simulator for email distribution of scorecards and round statistics.  Customers may optionally specify one or more email addresses for receiving their scorecard. 

There are several advantages to Indoor Golf Centers:

  • Collect contact email from visitors enabling future communication and marketing campaigns.
  • Electronic distribution saves paper, ink, and time.

Sample Round Email Content


Thank you for golfing in an aboutGOLF simulator. We hope you enjoyed your round.

Attached are images of the final scorecard, leaderboard, and/or statistics from the round.

aG Data users login here to access your data online.

aboutGOLF Simulators - http://www.aboutgolf.com/


The customer is presented with the option to email the scorecard immediately after the round has ended. 

The group puts in as many email addresses as they like.

Customers who are logged in with online IDs will have the email addresses automatically placed in the list for review and editing. 


After reviewing the scorecard and round statistics screens, they will have another opportunity to review the email list by choosing Email on the round statistics screen. 

The email will be sent after the final OK is selected from the round statistics screen.  Note: If the client leaves the simulator before saying OK at the round statistics screen, the email will not be sent.   Simply select the OK button to complete the round and any email addresses that have been entered by the client will be sent.

How do I activate End of Round email?

Edit the file named EndOfRound.xml located in the World Tours Golf folder in the installation area.

Are Challenge Results supported?

Yes, the Final Results leaderboard will have the same EMAIL button, and the email will look like this: 

Thank you for golfing in an aboutGOLF simulator. We hope you enjoyed your round.

Attached are images of the final scorecard, leaderboard, and/or statistics from the round.

aG Data users login here to access your data online.

aboutGOLF Simulators - http://www.aboutgolf.com/

Can I get copies of the email for my records?

Yes, a copy of the email can be automatically sent to an account of your choosing. The recipient email account could be an account maintained by your business.  Similar to a BCC option on typical email clients, this email address will not appear on the email sent to the customer email.   

Activate the AutoSendEmail with the digit 1, then specify the AutoSendEmailAddress.

What if my customer forgot to choose Email and requests an email after leaving the simulator?

There will be times when the customer may be rushed in leaving the simulator and didn’t send himself an email of the scorecard.     He may go to the front desk or contact you days later requesting the scorecard.

Don’t worry.  If you have established the AutoSendEmail option, your email account will have an incoming email for each completed round.  The email will be sent to the AutoSendEmailAddress even if the customer originally selected No in response to the prompt.   You can go to that email account, find the email from the appropriate round, and forward the email to the requesting customer.

Can I customize the content of the email sent to my clients?

Yes, you can specify the Subject line and text in the body of the email. The subject line appearing in the email can be specified in the file named EndOfRound.xml located in the World Tours Golf folder.

Subject:   aboutGOLF Round Results

The text in the body of the email can be customized for your business.    The text is located in the file named EndOfRound.txt located in the World Tours Golf folder.  The format is HTML 2.0, so please note that use of tags to identify the contents.  Here is the default content of this file:


This text is processed and appears as follows in the email that arrives to the customer.

Please refer to publically available resources on the details of HTML 2.0.  For example: 


Where can I retrieve the list of email addresses?

The file named ScorecardEmail.txt located in the World Tours Golf\RoundStats folder will contain the list of all addresses the customers have entered for receiving round results.  Each email entered by the client will be appended to the end of this file.